Chapter 9

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    I woke up with the biggest headache in the history of headaches. As I turned around in my bed I see some blonde hair coming out from underneath the blanket, thank God it was Tiffany, after how much I drank last night I wouldn't have been that surprised if I ended up bringing some random guy home with me.

    I woke up Tiffany, we reminisced on the night that we just had, trying to put bits and pieces of random memories back together in order to try to have a clearer picture of what has happened. As usual, she remembered more of what I did and the other way around. We figured we weren't that bad but still swore to ourselves that we would not drink alcohol ever again in our lives(as we did every morning after a night of drinking, but managed to only keep it until the next weekend came by.) only on our wedding nights.

    As we were going down the stairs into the kitchen I could notice that Tiffany was staying on her phone more than usual, giggling and not really paying attention to her steps, as she almost tripped and fell.

"Wow wow wow, what's up with this big smile? I know that smile, spill it!" I said to Tiffany upfront.

"Miss Nosey, Nosey is that you?" Tiffany said Giggling.

"Give me that!" I said as I grabbed her phone right out of her hands.

"I want you to ride me and call me "Daddy" all night long baby, and then I want you to..." And I stopped right there as, let's say it wasn't very PG 13.

"Oh my God Clair, don't read that it's embarrassing!" Tiffany half screamed at me, and then let a laugh out.

    We brushed it off and went on to making a coffee for each of us.

"So JC really wants to take me out today, like a date!" T said excitedly.

"So go! That is really great T! I 100% approve!" I said excitedly as well.

"Well I was actually thinking.... why don't you come with? She said.

"Wait, what? Come with you guys? No way, it's your date!" I said in a serious tone.

"Well here comes the plot twist.... we got you a date!" Tiffany said almost screaming of excitement.

"You... me a what?" I said shocked.

"A date, well it's a friend of JC's, he seems like just your type! I am sure you guys will get along! Please we always wanted to double date, this is our chance! Please say yes Claire!" Tiffany said putting her irresistible puppy eyes at the end of the sentence.

"Ok, fine!" I said finally.

"Great! I'll text JC right now to tell him it's on!" T said more excited than ever.

   She grabbed her coffee and went up the stair to my room in the blink of an eye, and I followed right after her. I got on the bed and read a text from my mom telling me that she will probably be gone the whole day, doing whatever she is doing in any other days.

    It was around 3:30 PM and we decided to get ready for our double date. I hopped in the shower, straightened my hair, did my makeup and chose to wear a cute simple and tight nude colored dress with some sneakers and my favorite black Channel bag. We went out the door and straight into my mom's G Klass and drove right off to Tiffany's house so she could get ready as well.

     At 5:00 PM we were supposed to meet with the guys at this nice restaurant near Venice Beach, which was kind of far from T's house but we were right on schedule.

     I parked my car as near to the restaurant as possible, and it was still kind of far, we kept thanking God that we were not wearing heels.

    As we walked into the beautifully decorated restaurant my eyes immediately met his... I couldn't believe it. It was really him. Kian. Coming to think that I basically ran away from him a couple of days ago made me cringe at the thought of it, at the end of the day in my defense I didn't want to make things harder for the both of us...

They stood up immediately when they saw us, they almost looked nervous surprisingly, I understood from Tiffany that they were "youtubers" and they were actually pretty famous, coming to think of it I think almost all of the girls in our school were head over heels for them and their group. I kind of intimidated me to think that they are so big, but I decided not to obsess over this thought and to just be myself, which really helped.

"H..hh... hi! Kian. Aren't you the girl that walked out on me a couple of days ago at our party? Claire, right? Kian asked in a shy voice.

"Hey, well didn't exactly walk out on you, I was supposed to find my friend as you can see she is a bit with her head in the clouds." I said giggling and looking over at Tiffany which was full on making out with JC right next to us.

"Right." Kian said chuckling. "Looks like we will have to start over again more times then I would have expected. Kian said chuckling.

Hey guys, sorry for not updating for a long while, I will try to continue this story as I really like it and enjoy writing it☺️ Thank you all for reading❤️🌴🌴🌴🌴

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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