Chapter 1

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A small bundle of fur shook herself as a plop of water was heard. She scented the air as she stretched and yawned. Her pointy ears slick back as she judged if it was safe to venture out of her den. Cautiously she took a step one small paw at a time. Her eyes and nose trained to the ground. Her belly rumbled as she searched for some big game. Being tired of catching small game that she was lucky to come across while she survived the nights.  She at last came to a stop. Being only eighteen months old she had to be careful of the dangers. Even if she had survived that night. She stopped to admire the colors of the leaves. 18 months ago she had been born, four months ago she had been separated from her pack or was left. She wasn’t sure which although she hoped it was the first. She shook out her light brown coat, her white paws accidentally splashing some water from a puddle from the rain and it was colder. Something crunched and that caused her to freeze and worry.  Some how she had managed avoiding the many predators. She hurried as fast as she could through a thicket of brush that hid her den. She was still nervous and wary. She paused her ears flicking back and forth as she heard a crunch from a stick. She bit back a joyful bark. Learning from an earlier mistake when she had scared a brown hare when she learned to hunt. As she hunted she froze again. There was the crunching again. At first she had believed it to be food but when it came from another direction. She scented the air. A smell of an unknown scent caught her. The scent caused her body to up become defensive. She wasn’t entirely sure why. A natural instinct told her to run so she did. Immediately the crunching became more frequent. Something was on her tail. She wanted to run to her den. It would have been safe so she turned and hoped she could get away. However that wasn’t the case as a strange thing fell on her. She whimpered in surprise. What she was trapped in was a cage. Although she wouldn’t know what it was called till later. Hairless apes approached her wearing strange fur. The fur was green and brown and the two even wore it on their head. One showed her teeth as she came closer to the cage. This caused the her to growl at her. Why was she barring her teeth at her. The woman stopped and now her teeth had vanished. Her jaw she assumed turned upside down.

“ Hey it’s okay puppy. We have been looking for you. Don’t growl.”

What the heck was the two leg monstrosity saying? Don't growl. She was showing her teeth. Why wouldn’t she  growl. And what the heck was a puppy? Her?

“ Janet just shoot her with a dart. The wolf will be more comfortable.”  (The bigger of the apes laughed as he loaded a grey stick.)
“ But she’s not even an adult yet. Just look at her size.” 
“ Her pack was already moved. She’s a straggler.” 
“ It’s amazing she made it. She’s so small. 12 months if I had to guess. Where’s your mommy, puppy?”

Mommy? Did the two leg mean birth giver? She had absolutely no idea.  Although her pack being moved peaked her interest. 12 months, she snorted at that. She was nearly two years old. That was insulting to her. Okay she was small but she had plenty of time to grow right?

“ Jan we don’t have all day. Remember the tiger is still back in the shed. The zoo is expecting him. “
“ Zoo. ( She snorted.) We need to put him in sanctuary. Not some damn zoo.”
“ Money is money dear sister.” 
“ Mom would of disagreed. Dad may change his mind. Let me call him.”
“ Not a good idea.”
“ Ugh and this wolf has to go to that inhumane place too.”

Wait what. The wolf had been listening to the strange communication. Surprisingly understanding it. Well there were a few words she questioned. Sanctuary being one of them. Tiger being another. What did they mean she was going? Going where? She growled to get their attention. The male of the strange species. Pointed a strange grey stick at her. A pop was heard as something pricked her hind leg. She whimpered yet again. The female counterpart did that weird upside down mouth thing as she whispered a word that she must of said to comfort her.

The wolf demon met a tiger demonWhere stories live. Discover now