Chapter 7

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( 15 years later. Age 20. Adult in college.)

A young woman stared at herself in the mirror. Her brown wavy shoulder length hair was messy from her sleep. Her adoptive mother called her from downstairs. She should be used to this. But crawling out of bed and having to go to a building known as college sucked. High school was over so why the need for a place called college.  At first it had been exciting when she was younger. A new adventure different from what she was used to. However now it was routine. At first she had thought of running after learning what she was 6 years ago. But she couldn't do that to Jacky and Kyle. But Kyle got sick soon after. The big C. It has been hard going through the process. Jacky had been a mess. She couldn't leave her. The woman loved her as her own. So she lived this lie. Well more like her new life. Going to a place to prepare for a future, her mother wanted for her, to be someone successful.

“ Raya! Breakfast is getting cold. Hurry up or I’m getting Jezzy!”

She sighed. Jezzy was a German Shepherd her mother had rescued and had become her comfort dog. He was okay for a dog. Thankfully his nose was damaged so he saw her as human. 

“ I’ll be down in a few Mom! "
“ Good. You got twenty minutes!”
“ Got ya!”

The young woman sighed as she quickly got ready. She slid out of her spaghetti strap and pajama bottoms with stars. She hurried to dress in a blue v cut shirt and blue jeans. Then she slid a white hoody on over it. She brushed her hair and when it didn't do what she wanted. She threw it into a messy down ponytail. Sometimes she braided it but not enough time. She hurried down stairs. Her adoptive mother was a beautiful blond woman who was also definitely a powerful woman. She dressed in a tan skirt with a white button blouse a tan jacket to go with it. She smiled her green eyes swimming with excitement for Raya.

“ Hurry or breakfast will get colder. I have to go in early but I’ll be back at 6.”
“ Okay mom.”
“Also be careful driving there was a traffic accident earlier.”
“ Okay you be careful too.”
“ Plan to love you. I’ll bring dinner so don’t cook. Make sure you go to all your classes and your job.“
“ Love you too.”

She smiled as her mom kissed her cheek and rushed out the door. This was exactly why she didn’t leave. Although she was technically at the age a adult is pushed out of a nest. But then Jacky would be lonely. She had lost her husband a few years back. Even though Raya had changed she chose to stay and pretend to be the same daughter they raised. She went to school. She had planned on taking off after high school but then Kyle passed. So now she was still here. She’d already received her associates for completing her  basics. Now she was in a new town because Jacky said it was time for a fresh start. So here she was getting ready to attend another college going for her bachelors. Why? Because Jacky wanted her to have a future. Associates wasn’t enough because Raya still had no idea what she wanted to be. Sighing she thought back to the change. It had been a weird experience. She had been on a camping trip when she felt a strange connection. Then all the sudden a bunch of memories hit her. A wolf running and her suddenly crashing as her body pulsed. Seeing that had caused her to also run while they had been hiking then more memories assailed her.  She saw her feet as they dragged in the snow. Somehow she was a human five year old who woke in a scary forest. She had wandered in tears trying to find someone. She wanted to find him. She didn’t even know the him she had been looking for. It was a name she had forgotten. When she racked her brain to figure how she had even become human. It was blank she couldn’t remember. After her running fiasco she found herself in the woods. The same woods she knew in memories which was impossible because she had been no where near. She remembered thinking what the hell. But she was also scared and in pain minutes later, something had begun trying to claw out of her body. Obviously that’s when it flooded back she wasn’t fucking human. Especially when she knew she was a wolf laying on the ground. Sadly that’s all she knew she only knew she was running to find someone.

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