Chapter 9

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Angel's eyes widened. She saw him grin as he returned his gaze to the brunette near him. She had remained ignorant of the note passing. Or chose not to involve herself. Angel was betting on the second option.  She looked at the girl in a new light. It was hard to see her fully when Nyrian’s bigger form hid her. Hmm maybe she should get a look. Minutes later the professor released them. Angel waited for her brother to move but Raya was out of her seat first. She wasn’t a ugly girl nor a knock out. She was plain and average. Especially in her hoody. No male could see her body. Must be on the chubby side. Hmm she definitely was not her brother’s normal companion.

Raya didn’t bother looking towards Angel. She had nodded when Nyrian decided to tell his sister the relationship between the two. But the girl didn’t apologize. Oh well Raya shouldn’t care. But she sort of did. Her wolf was pacing inside her. What was she even doing? Why bother with some Playboy like Nyrian? She should run. A predator like her didn’t need to one day be prey to this male. Males of all species were stronger than females most times. What she was wouldn’t always save her. No more class so she could go to her part time job at the daycare. It was only a 3-4  hour job. Since each class was 45 minutes.It was also in middle of home and the campus. Sighing she double checked her schedule.

9:00-9:45  History  
10:00-10:45 Calculous
11:00-11:45 Art I Gesture
1:00-1:45 English

She sighed as she saw she was good. She began heading for her car only to realize that someone had followed her. She could smell the scent of the forest. Sure enough as she opened her car door and she turned around there was Nyrian. He grinned at her.

“Uh school is over for me.”
“ Same here, where are you heading?”
“ Work.” 

She glanced at her phone. She had 10 minutes to get to work. Her job was 5 minutes away depending on traffic. The male continued leaning on her car. She slightly worried that the towering male might damage it. She sighed and turned the key.

“ I’m going to be late so I’m going to…(she was looking at her phone for the time when he snatched it. He quickly typed in something. She was stunned to say the least.) Hey what are you…?”

Just as fast as he grabbed it he handed it back to her. She stared at the unfamiliar number now on her phone. Who had he texted?

“ I'll text you.”
“..Wait what?”

Nyrian walked off. He smirked as she called him back but he kept walking. She then cursed and hurried to drive off. He chuckled at that. He reached a lime green and orange mustang. His sister glared at him from the passenger seat.

“ Start talking Ny.”

He sighed at that nickname. She had called him that since he was 6 and she was 5. She had a small speech impediment and Nyrian had been hard to pronounce when he had joined the family. His foster parents had taken him from the orphanage. They had always wanted a boy. Sadly after Angel was conceived her mother had complications. The doctor had told her this would be her only child. She had nearly died during labor. So their parents had to give up on another child. 5 years later they began to want a boy. So they looked into adoption. That’s where they found Nyrian. A tough 6 year old at the time who they saw needed love. It had taken a year to get him to warm up to the family. They had been so patient with him. They would of given up if Angel hadn’t developed an attachment to him. At least that's what he believed.  She lit up when he walked into a room. It was cute to see. Nyrian had seen the secret smiles his adoptive parents had shared. He really hadn't done much other then go to school. He didn't even play with her.

But one day, Nyrian, who was in 1st grade, brought his report card and set it on the table. Angel usually eating a snack would grin to show she saw him. She didn’t know what the numbers or letters meant but she would acknowledge they were good grades. Although she expected that as her parents said he was bright. The grin didn’t suffice one day. Nyrian was about to leave.

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