Chapter 4

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Rose Petal watched as the alpha gathered his hunters as they went out. The Luna was in need of a meal for the pups who were now five weeks old. Rose Petal suspected the pups were still alive because they were the last litter the Luna would ever birth. A new Luna would be chosen though during the mating seasons. For now the new pups would be used to increase numbers. Replacing the wolves killed by the bear. Rose Petal had been removed from guard duty. None of the pack really trusted her enough to guard the pups. Especially since she had lost her own. A thought that had depressed her that she wasn't eating well at all. She laid her head on her paws. Her body was weak and she was becoming more useless to the pack. She curled up. She had been asleep for a while when a nip to her ear woke her. She growled but stopped when she heard her Luna's returning growl. She opened her brown eyes and looked at the older female. The mother looked tired but content.

"Do not growl young one. I didn't take your pups."
" Apologies my Luna. I am not well. "
"As I've heard. You are mourning. Not that I blame you. You guarded me well though so I mourn with you."
"Thank you my Luna."
"I need you to get better though. The pack needs to be well. You are a target. You are also young. "
"I don't wish to my Luna. I will leave so our pack won't be hindered."

Rose Petal struggled to her feet only to collapse back down. A field mice wasn't enough this week. The Luna moved back as her eyes roamed her. The Luna approached her.

"You are already being a hindrance. You need to hunt but looks as if you're incapable at the moment. I will have the young ones scout for some rabbits to get you back on your feet. You may mourn young one but not forever. Go and get on your feet. Find your mate."
" My mate? He didn't want me. He left me with your pack instead of taking me. "
"And you know he did it for your safety. I would like you to help with my pups but the pack fears you will become unhinged over it. Losing a litter is not easy. I myself lost a few pups my first litter. It was hard but I have made it. This is my fifth one and will be my last. My mate has perished. I will do all I can to protect our last five pups."

Rose Petal looked towards her Luna as she whimpered. The loss was taking its toll on her still. Rose Petal watched her Luna as she left her alone. Her Luna was still taking care of her. The rest of the pack didn't care but not the Luna. Hopefully her new Luna would be this mother like to her.

Hours later, Rose Petal woke to the smell of kill. A young wolf one of the Luna's daughters sat the dead bunny in front of her. She eyes her with pity before trotting off. Rose Petal sniffed the meal as she dug in. The Luna had point. Starving herself was only hurting the pack and her. She finished the meal quickly. Leaving barely anything left. She cleaned herself up some. She got to her feet finally having the energy to. She passed her pack mates as they watched her walk by. It would be clear she had eaten. She headed for the river for a drink. She needed to hunt again the rabbit sustained her but that's all. A deer would be enough but she needed the pack to help at this moment for anything that big. She'd never had the power to do much. She was small still. The other wolves half a foot taller than her. Her species was normally 3 feet tall at her age. She put her nose to the ground. She'd go hunting. Build up her strength then leave this pack. Find her tiger and teach him she wasn't as weak as he seemed to think. Plus he deserved to feel some guilt for leaving her. How she would track him was her only problem? Where did she start?

Needless to say she went hunting but ended up staying with the pack. He was gone she had no trails. It had been to long for her to be able to track him. She decided her next course was to be accepted in her new pack. The Luna liked her it was a start. She'd become a huntress and gain her packs respect. Those who fed the pack were highly respected. The alpha was fine having her on his hunting team. Most likely because he was hoping she'd be killed or maimed by prey. He soon learned despite her smaller form she was not as easily overpowered.

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