Chapter 5

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Rose Petal nearly jumped out of her fur. Waking up to another warm body had become foreign to her. The pack had always given her space. Her nose told her who. She really needed to explain this was not happening. Growling at her Beta wouldn't be a wise choice. But Rose Petal had never acted wise. She growled low as she got up. Making sure he understood her discomfort. Stone woke and tilted his head but merely watched as she stalked away and outside the cave. She sniffed the air making sure she was safe and ventured out. Her alpha would call when it was hunting time. A growl rumbled out as she heard someone following her. Sure enough Stone gave his own answering growl.

"Stop growling at me. I just wanted you to warm up. You don't sleep far enough in our cave. You were shivering."
"I'm fine. "
"So you say."
" I do. "
"I just want to take care of you. You deserve that." (Stone attempted to nuzzle her fur but she jumped back.)
" Stone, no. ( His eyes looked conflicted that of a hurt dog. Rose Petal glanced at the sky. Did she really have to do this.) Look I'm just going to say this. I'm not interested in finding another mate. I have.... "
"You're talking about a cat. And he's gone."
"Yes but ...I just can't.. I.."

Rose Petal couldn't get the words out. She should just move on but it was like the jerk buried himself so far inside she'd never be free to try mating again. A bond had been formed one that kept her back.

"You could. I would protect you. I would never abandon you or our pups."

Pups? Rose Petal felt her heart crack. Her pups were gone. She didn't need to hurt herself more. That tiger may of left her but she didn't want to ever go through it again. Stone could promise her complete devotion but she couldn't. Why?

"Stone I can't. Please find another to mate. I'm broken, you can't fix me."
"Because you won't let me. You weren't with that cat long and all he did was break you. I want need to fix you. Rose Petal I'm willing to challenge Kodiak and take you as my Luna."
" Challenging him, it won't change my mind. You'll find another. "
"Rose Petal!"

He called after her as she ran from him. He had not chased her thankfully. He just didn't understand. Hell she didn't either. She just kept going. Rose Petal finally stopped. She had reached a black sea that covered a wide area like paths animals made from going back and forth. She touched it with her paw. It was rocky. Unsure of her next actions she put all four paws on it. She sniffed it curiously. Then explored it. She glanced to her left and noticed it separated another patch of trees. She crossed it as she reached the other side nearly. She was surprised when a growling monster nearly hit her. A sound angrily blared in her ears. What the spirits was that? Now safe on the other side she glanced where it had gone. She gave an angry snort and left the black path to its own. Monsters that screamed or made loud noises did not appeal to her. Now that she thought about it she had seen something similar when she had run from the strange thing the tiger had called a cage. Shaking her head she trotted on. Her pack wouldn't miss her but she felt guilty leaving. But she knew they'd be fine without her. Stone could now find a mate who would love him. Artemis would miss her but she would be okay. Rose Petal looked back. She gave a small whimper. She was on her own now.

Rose Petal watched a deer from her hiding spot. She'd been on her own for five months now. She had hidden during her heat. Only venturing out from under a tree when necessary. The entrance was small and only animals her size would be able to fit and she had to squeeze in. Rose Petal listened to her surroundings. Another pack but of  arctic wolves lived around here. Rose Petal moved slowly. The doe hadn't noticed her. But she would. Rose Petal stuck out in snow. Her brown fur was not the best here. Sure enough it noticed her and ran. She was about to give chase when she heard howls. The pack had set eyes on the meal she had tracked. Rose Petal quickly left the area. She had been avoiding the pack. She knew the alpha wouldn't take kind to her. The last one had attacked her since she was an outsider especially when she refused his advances. Rose Petal crawled and squeezed into her den and curled up in a ball. It would get colder soon. It was one of the reasons she wanted to return to pack life. The arctic wolves were as small as her but we're pure white. Maybe one of her parents had been one. It'd make sense the two hadn't worked out. Wolves mated for life. Maybe the two were just to different. Rose Petal began dozing off but awoke to a feline scent. One not her tiger. She backed further in her tree as she watched the entrance. She growled low in warning. The cat whatever it was not being deterred. A spotted white furry paw with claws swiped into her tree entrance.

"I'm warning you kitty. I'm not to be messed with."
" Growl, growl. You really think I'll go when you are such an easy target for a meal. "
"You're not getting in here kitty without losing a limb."

Rose Petal continued growling. She took notice the earth shook with her growls. That weird thing was happening. If the cat got in they wouldn't survive her uncontrolled power. The scratching stopped. The kitty must of felt it. She heard it hiss and finally it's scent retreated. Rose Petal sniffed the air. Her ears flicked back and forth as she determined if she was safe. For now she was, she yawned and attempted to return to dream land. It hadn't been long when she heard sniffing next. A growl was next.

"The leopard spoke the truth. She wolf come out." ( A female voice growled.)

Rose Petal yawned but didn't ignore the wolf. Unlike the cat the wolf could get in her den. She also knew she was in the wrong. She was on their land. Rose Petal wiggled out. The pack was right out her entrance. They stared at her as they took in her build. She was their size but not their color.

"She's like us." ( A male pack member blurted out.)
"Not our color though. Dirt color instead of our snow." ( another but female this time replied.)
"Come sister we wish to take you to our alpha. I'm the Luna I will not harm you. "

Rose Petal slowly followed the Luna and several other wolves. She had been lucky not to be expelled from the land. Walking next to wolves her size was different but not unwanted. Rose Petal seriously pondered her heritage. How did she know that word? Lately it seemed she was becoming less wolf like but could that happen? Acting less on instincts and more by thought first. She looked up as they reached a territory completely scent marked by the alpha here. She watched as a bigger white wolf came out of their den. He was hurt she noticed. It explained why he wasn't with the hunting group. He limped towards them.

"Taiga what have you brought home?"
"Greetings mate. She is an outsider but is like us."
" I see that. But she is not all. Outsiders are not welcome either. "
"Hudson clearly you can see she is young, still."
" Not young enough, my mate. You female what are you doing here without permission? "
"Apologies alpha. I just needed to rest. I will leave though if need be." (Rose Petal lowered her head so she didn't seem like a threat.)
"Nonsense right Hudson. She should stay with us. She'd be a good addition to our pack. "
"Taiga she.... (Taiga gave him a dirty look.) I guess we can use another member."
" Come. I'll show you to our territory. "

Rose Petal followed the wolves. She noticed 4 pups with their baby sitter. This pack was smaller then her last. Only 10 adult wolves in it. With her there was now 11.  Her old pack had 17 and growing. Taiga walked over to greet her pups. The pups were surprisely the color brown. Rose Petal gave a tilt of her head in confusion. The rest of the pack also greeted the lil 3-4 month old pups. They approached Rose Petal cautiously. Sniffing her with their puppy noses. Her heart aches a little. The pups went back to their momma. Rose Petal listened as her new pack welcomed her. Cause somehow she was now a part of this pack. She gave her own howl. She'd stay for now.

This was pretty much Rose Petal's new pack. Taiga was understanding that Rose Petal had no plans to have a mate. She had been told Rose Petal had found her mate but he was gone as was her only litter of pups. She had told truth of why she had abandoned her pack just not on her mate. How being courted before she had moved on had caused her to run. Taiga had mourned for her.  Next mating season Rose Petal was designated a guard of the territory so she wouldn't be a tempting morsel. She wasn't to return to the den though. A mature female in heat could cause a frenzy. Even if only Taiga was to have pups. Taiga did not wish to chase her off if some male got her. Although her sons would be leaving to form their own pack. They followed the code to leave and not challenge their dad even if Rose Petal was fair game as a mate they could take so they could start their own pack. They had their own lone females that had been spotted. Their sisters would be leaving as well. Everyone in the pack was aware she had a mate just not that it wasn't a wolf. Rose Petal sniffed the air. So far all was good. Her ears flicked back and forth as she listened. She knew caribou were near by.  Her pack and her could track them later to bring to their Alpha female when she started showing. And she would. The alpha and her were away going at it somewhere. It has been nearly a five days too. Rose Petal tilted her head as some part of her warned her. Warned her about what? Following the feelings she let out a warning howl for her pack mates not far from where she was. They answered her back as they joined her.

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