Chapter 1.1

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Suzanna Paulina Peterson (Suzie for short) was the daughter of Alistar Michael Peterson and Paulina Darice Rivers. She grew up happily in her village in the countryside of England, near the woods of Shockhem. She had her father's eyes and her mother's sunny attitude. She loved reading and she adored classics. Although it was the year 2015, she had loved stories dated back to the 1500s. She read Shakespeare, Dickens, Mark Twain's, Sherlock Holmes mysteries and even fiction novels now. But her favourite was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, she never knew why, but she was quite attached to the story.

On one sunny morning, she walked to the borders of Shockem Woods and sat under a shady tree. Opening the pages of her copy of Alice in Wonderland, she read the story.

Her father always told her, "If you believe, stories might just be true." Suzie believed in them, and she had always thought that the land of Wonderland might just be true.

Just as she was reading the first chapter, she noticed a lady at her 30s roaming around the grassy plains near the woods. She was picking flowers, daisies to be exact, wild daisies. She was wearing a blue puffy dress, a white apron, white stockings and a pair of black flats. Upon her golden hair, a black hairband was set. As she turned, Suzie gasped. It was Alice!

Alice looked almost like the Alice in Suzie's books, but only way older.

At that, Alice turned and raced through the woods. Suzie, being curious, dumped her book on the ground and raced after Alice.

As she caught up, Alice went into a hole in a tree. The rabbit whole! Was it connected to Wonderland?

Suzie jumped in and fell down into the darkness, deep, deep down. She dared not open her eyes.

Suddenly, she landed with a thump, she heard footsteps. Was it Alice? Suzie opened her eyes.

And screamed.


Okay, so... I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday as I promised because I went out for the whole day... and when I returned it was already late at night. So I updated now the first thing in the morning after I woke up, after brushing my teeth, after washing my face, after eating breakfast, after listening my sister play the piano downstairs for a while... ANYWAY! There will be a regular update tomorrow, if my mom didn't plan anything else and that causes me to leave home for... a whole day.

So this is Chapter 1 of Part 1 and well... who did Suzie see? Read in Chapter 1.2! (Update tomorrow! For those who read this chapter today.)

-M.H. 11:14 25/7/2017

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