Chapter 2.3

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"Princess Liana? But how... uh..." the queen stuttered, she had given herself.

"Hello, Wicked Witch. Suppose you can replace my mother?" winked the girl.

All the citizens turned to the Queen of Hearts.

"Imposter!" yelled the girl. "The Queen and the dead Princess are fake"

"How can you prove you are the true princess?" asked the fake Queen nervously.

"That's easy," giggled the girl. "You trapped my soul inside the charm. This charm allows any who wear it become my form. My soul has released and returned to me. So when I removed the necklace..."

She took away the heart shaped necklace around the dead body. Instantly, the dead princess transformed to a pale girl made of glass.

"One of the citizens in Chinatown, I think?" laughed the Princess of Hearts. "Show your true self Wicked Witch of the West, or let me threaten you and fly back to Oz!"

Suzie breathed, Oz? How big is this place?

Then, the fake Queen mumbled some magic words. Suddenly, she transformed into an evil witch with green skin.

" Tis I, Wanda!" cackled the Wicked Witch ofthe West. "I can never believe how suddenly a house landed on my beloved wickedsister, Marilla. That spoiled my first plan. Then that Dorothy person poured onme! But I survived with a little magic. Now you! Liana Hearts of Wonderland, spoiled my perfect plan on conquering the world! I'll never forgive you, never. Prepare to suffer for the rest of your life!"

With an evil laugh, she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Liana Hearts turned to her people and addressed them, "Dear people of Wonderland, your true princess has returned!"

As everyone cheered, she turned to the Hatters.

"Well, nice to see you all. How are you, Miss Alice and Mr. Hatter? Hey, Alistar, it's been a long time. Oh, you must be Mrs. Hatter, nice to meet you. And you..."

She turned to Suzie.

"You must be the infamous Suzie Hatter, am Iright?"


So this chapter is a bit longer than the others. (* flashes a smile and winks*) ; )

Anyway, here's the originals.

Anyway, here's the originals

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Pretty much the same (*shrugs*)

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Pretty much the same (*shrugs*).

I had a long day at the beach, luckily, the sun wasn't that... sunny. I wasn't much tanned, I guess... (since last time I already got tanned in an amusement park and still haven't fade...)

So bye till next update!

-M.H. 22:52 16/8/17

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