Chapter 6

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{TW: Lil smut in this chapter. Not anything to descriptive or hard. Hard? Bad. Bad? Rough! KINKY!}

Week One: Freshman Year

Tonight was Jake's party and I was so pumped. My mom had a date tonight, so she said I could go as long as I came home at a decent hour. I nodded and kissed her as I walked out of the house into the night.

I got to Jake's house an hour late. I didn't like being late, but the Squip said being fashionably late was a good thing. It showed you didn't care too much, but the thing is I did care.

When I entered the music was pumping and the lights were flashing wildly. I saw Brooke dirty dancing with Dustin, and Chloe making out with Jake in the corner. I hesitated to enter, but the Squip urged me foreword to Jake. When I approached he saw me and pulled apart.

Chloe was drunk so she giggled and held onto him like a koala bear. "Hey man, glad you could make it!" He blushed. I realized that this wasn't the best time to talk to him. He was very hard and looked like he was ready to pin anyone to the ground. I felt a shiver of excitement run up my spine.

Wait. What?

Jake was clearly buzzed, but he looked over me and smiled. "There are a couple of girls in the corner dude. There pretty smashed, so go at'em. Or, you could join me a Chlo?" He offered. I backed away and ended up tripping on a table. "I-I uh...thankth for the offer, b-but I'm good!" I hastily said panicking.

He shrugged and turned back to Chloe. I felt a little sick so I wondered to the bathroom. I splashed some water in my face and tried to calm down. I felt so hot. "RiCH why are you not OuT ThErE!" The Squip screeched. I flinched as blood dripped out of my nose. I gasped and grabbed some paper towels. I put them to my face and tilted my head back. The Squip went oddly quiet.


"OMG I Habe Ta Pee!" A girl whined. I quickly cleaned up and flushed my bloody towels down the toilet. The toilet clogged but I didn't have time to worry about that. I heard yelling from the bathroom as I left. "IF YOU HAVE YOUR BLOODY PERIOD DONT PUT YOUR GAD DAMN PADS IN THE TOILET!" I snickered and looked back.

I ended up bumping into a girl. She was totally drunk. She had long black hair and beautiful hips that pulled me in subductively. She didn't ask for anything, she just started grinding against me. "Holy Fuck..." I whimpered as I tried to back away. I couldn't move. "W-wha"

"I am doing you a favor Rich, just relax." The muppet said, stroking my pale face. I looked at the girl she was undoing my pants.

"I-uh..." I said in a high pitched squeak. She pulled them down along with my boxers and got to work. Honestly, It felt fantastic.

I was over in a handful of minuets. She spat out what had got in her mouth and pulled my pants back up. I looked around embarrassed. I found that no one was paying attention.

They were all having sex or dancing to the music or getting a drink to barf up later. The girl smiled at me a winked as she walked away to her other two friends who giggled. "You owe me five bucks Heather."

"Fine Heather." Another girl sighed. She pulled out a check and wrote out he amount.

Holy shit. Did a Heather just....did I just lose my virginity to a Heather! Holy mother of God.

I just lost my virginity. Did I lose my virginity? Did blowjobs count as sex? "Stop reading into it Rich. Go to the drink table a grab a cup." The Squip advised.

I looked around and saw the table with the drinks. I walked over and heard moaning from underneath. I quickly grabbed a cup and walked away, highly disturbed. I walked upstairs. It was almost empty. "Act drunk." I stumbled down the hallway with a stupid grin on my face. I was very good at acting drunk. I knew just what to do.

"Turn right." The Squip directed. I entered into an empty room. It had posters of Star Wars and football stars I didn't know the names to. This must have been Jake's room. It was so big. I walked in slowly. I examined his room. It had a lot of sports stuff, and next to his bed was a playbill for the lion king. It was signed by the cast and looked old. I didn't have time to think about it because I heard footsteps down the hall. I dived into his gigantic closet.

How many shirts does one man need? He had at least 100 different jerseys! Why the hell did he wear the same red jacket to school almost every day if he had this many options.

The door opened and reviled a giggling couple I couldn't quite see. I recognized Chloe's voice in the fray of moans and whimpers. My fears were confirmed when Jakes moans were soon intermixed. I backed into the closet and hid behind the numerous shirts. I started crying. I was so overwhelmed by all of this. 'Why did you make me go in here?'

"You need to learn Rich. Sex is a natural part of life, you shouldn't be afraid of it. Besides, if you go out now I'm sure they'd be more than happy t-"

'No. That's something I could never do.' I shivered and held my knees to my chest. I tried to block out the sounds, and eventually I fell asleep.

The Squip was in my dreams. It was tangled around me everywhere I went. I ran to people, but their eyes were bright blue. Emotionless and cruel.

I saw myself with cold blue eyes smiling.

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