Chapter 6

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Week Two: Sophomore Year

I woke up to my cell going off. "Wake up man! Kevin, Dustin and I are waiting in the car outside your house!"

I groaned and opened my eyes. This wasn't my room. Oh, what! I gasped and almost fell out of bed. "Shit, the house on Livet Suger drive?"

"Yah?" Jake said confused.

"Fuck man I forgot to tell you I moved!" Jake sighed through the line and I got worried. "I'll text you the address hold on!" Once I had sent the text I could hear the car turn on.

"Be ready, I'll be there in five." He said.

"Dude, this house is 15 minuets away." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'll be there in five." He said and hung up, and shit if I didn't believe him. Jake could do practically anything if he wanted to.

I say practically because he once tried to do a backflip from the roof of his house and broke his arm. He did do a pretty sweet front flip though.

My mom was in the kitchen making French toast when I came in. Ned was behind her humming and kissing her neck softly. It was really kinda cute. I tried to pass by them. "Where do you think you're going Mr. Richard Gerard Goranski?" Damn. Caught.

"Out with Jake and some friends," I said meekly.

"Not before you clean your room young man." She said back pointing her spatula to the stairs I had just sneaked down.

My Squip, who had been silent turned on, "Tell her to fuck off"

'No! She's my mom!'

"Awe Mom!" I groaned instead. Ned winked at me.

"Let him go, he's a kid. He'll have fun with his peers. It's healthy. I'm sure he can clean his room after whatever it is he is doing." He smiled at me and whispered something else into her ear that made her sigh tiredly and nod.

"Fine, but I'm calling curfew at nine, you better be back here Rich." She said looking at me.

I smiled, jogged over, kissed her on her cheek, and ran out the door yelling a thank you.

True to Jake's word he was in my driveway. Dustin and Kevin were sleeping over each other in the back seats. They looked so stupid. I took a picture for blackmail purposes as I slipped into the front seat.

"Where are we going that's so special?" I asked, Jake just smiled and told me to go to sleep. I shut my eyes and my Squip told me where we were headed.

Holy shit! This was ten times better than any high school party!

Monster Trucks were preforming in the MetLife stadium! Jake realized his surprise was ruined as we pulled up to the stadium. I was practically jumping in my seat. This was the coolest thing EVER! "Calm down, you look like a five-year-old on a sugar high." My Squip complained. I immediately chilled out.

Jake looked at me and smiled. "I told you." I nodded as he parked and Dustin pulled out his phone to take a picture of the stadium. We all rushed out in twos. Dustin and Kevin were up front talking excitedly between themselves. I was behind them with Jake.

"Wow, I can't believe you payed for all of us to go!" I said to Jake.

He blushed and laughed, "Yah, well, I only payed for you. Those two dick-heads had to buy their own." I looked at him in shock. He shrugged, "My parents gave me a giant wad of cash and told me to spend it for my birthday and I decided that this would be perfect. I had to spend it all or else they would get upset, so ta-da... Dust and Kev just hitched a ride with me after I told them I was going. We are sitting in he good seats and they are sitting in the back." I looked at him and blinked slowly.

"Wow..." I felt touched that he would want to bring me to this with his own BIRTHDAY PRESENT! "Thank you so much..." He smiled and looked back at the stadium we were walking to. I think he was blushing.

When we got in there we settled in our seats and I sent my mom a picture of a gigantic truck. She texted back that since I was so far I could stay over at Jake's house tonight. (I think it's because she and Ned were having sex, but whatever.)

The show was amazing. It had cars doing back flips, front flips, side flips, it had a motorcycle jump over a line of ten cars! The Trucks had names and strange designs. One had spikes and it was called The Crusher, another had a screaming face in red paint and it was called The MotorPower.

During the show Jake had to pee, and didn't want to go alone. It was a crowded place and there were a lot of shady people that two white children were very scared of. I blame it on movies.

So we left our seats and walked up to the side area where the bathrooms and concessions were. There were a lot of people there. We sifted through the crowed until we got to a relatively unclustered area.

Some people along the way had gave us some food and drinks. It wasn't uncommon for the confession people to go out and give free samples to get you to buy more things. Jake and I went all out. Except...some of the drinks tasted really suspiciously like beer, and one tasted terrible.

"Anata wa orokadesu, anata wa yotte imasu!!!" My Squip yelled and made a upset noise.

I giggled. "Bro what-"

"I dinnn say anythin'" Jake laughed back.

"No, na you, m' talkin' ta my Sq-Squip!" I laughed and patted Jake on his shoulder. He nodded and waddled off to the bathroom.

After five seconds I walked I after him. I laughed as I watched him pee inside a janitors mop water bucket. "Th hell mann?" I said and he turned around and smiled. He hadn't zipped up his pants. "Wow..." I said looking at him as he giggled and walked over to me.

"Wow, you look amazing..." He pined me to the bathroom wall as I was giggling like crazy.

We looked at each other intensely and I laughed in his face. He was so close.

I could boop his noise.

Or kiss him.

Instead he just kissed me. That made things a lot easier. "Īe, oroka! Kare ni wa kanojo ga imasu!" I pulled back and bit my lip to keep from laughing again as Jake kissed my neck.

We returned to our seats after a couple minuets in the bathroom. I helped Jake with his fly since he couldn't coordinate his hands to zip it up.

I don't remember who drove us back. I think Dustin. We ended up in Jake's  house laughing and eating skinny-pop on his couch. That lead to making out pretty quickly as we both were in a high and glorious mood.

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