Chapter 6

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{TW: Smut, yah, all of it...}

Week Four: Senior Year

I looked out my window in disbelief. It was over. School was over. The thought hit me like a brick. "Babe, what's wrong?" Jake asked from my sheets. He stretched and groaned as I heard his back pop sharply.

"Nothing." I said turning back and smiling. "Juth a bit out of it I think." I yawned and scratched my ass. As I walked over I stretched and my shirt rode up to revel my hella toned six-pack. The Squip may not be drilling me anymore, but if I was going to let these puppies go, dream on.

I heard Jake swallow. He whispered a soft "wow, dude, hot..." And I almost started laughing. I came over to the bed and ruffled his hair. He smiled devilishly at me. He pulled me down and whispered something that sent shivers down my spine. "That wasn't a phone in my pocket then, and there isn't a phone now." He smirked.

Our teeth hit as our mouths collided. Both of us winced, but neither pulled away out of sheer eagerness. Pajama shirts hit the floor as hands started to feel around. Mine landed on his nipples as his landed in my hair and tugged lightly there. Our mouths parted and I looked down at what I was doing to him.

Just flicking and gently rotating his nipple with my thumb made his breathing hard. I slowly put my mouth on it, feeling the nub stand even more as I licked, sucked, and bit lightly. Sometimes if I did something right he would let out a low moan. I would try as much as possible to make him speak. As I was working on that nipple my other hand was toying with the other. I looked up, to the best of my ability, and saw his red face full of lust and love for me. Utter appreciation and trust.

I began to make my trek downwards. I kissed everything my mouth was close too as I started to slowly pull off his pajama pants. Jake let out a whimper as the head popped out, already hard as a rock. I saw a little wet spot where the precum had soaked into his underwear as I took them off.

Jake helped me push them down the rest of the way. All the way to the floor. I turned my attention back to him as he started to fumble with my own pants. "D-do you want me t-to..." I know what he was asking. My pants soon joined his on the ground. Now was for the decision. Should I ride him, fuck him, blow him, or rub him? Choices, choices.

Turns out I didn't have much of a choice, because he flipped us over by pulling me down and moving on top. He had lube in one hand and a condom in the other. He made quick work on them both.

He started to put fingers in slowly, making sure I wasn't going to get hurt. I wiggled and dealt with the strange feeling of cold fingers up may ass. To be honest this wasn't that enjoyable. Until he hit the spot that I see white and red. Hell, once I saw fucking stars too. I covered my mouth with the back of my arm and moaned.

He smiled and pressed the area harder and my hips gave an involuntary buck. It didn't take him long, I was still loose from yesterday's activities. He worked me open with precision and when he was finished he sighed and pulled his fingers out. He got a tissue from the Kleenex box on my bedside table to clean his fingers.

Then something much larger, and a lot more satisfying, than fingers went in. I bit my arm as the foreign object entered swiftly. He started rolling his hips. More was being pulled in and I felt my stomach expand. With air or the sensation I have no idea.

With this position he couldn't get all the way in so he settled for 3/4ths. My G spot was ringing alarm bells for the object just fucking move!

I struggled under the weight of saying words right now. The only thing I managed was, "Holy Fuck Jake, Holy F-Fuck."

He smiled and gasped as I tightened around him and loosened. He moved then. Maddeningly slow, but I knew what it was like so I forgave him if he took his time. I looked down and my breath hitched.

I saw him pulling out and in as my own hard-on was throbbing. To be honest I hadn't really thought about it in the moment, but now the stimulation between the two actions around me was the only thing I could think about.

Jake started to go faster. I would bite my arm to keep from yelping every time he hit that spot inside me. Finally I felt warmth that occupied my space. The weird sensation of the condom getting fuller. He pulled out and kissed me.

I shuddered as his naked stomach touched my sensitive tip. I let out a string of curses and Jake's name as he smiled dopily down at me.

"Would you last long?" He asked looking up at me from the spread of my legs where he now sat. I shook my head and he nodded. He put my dick in his hands and started pumping, I was immediately close. As he went faster I shuttered and gasped for air as if it was the only thing that was real. I came quickly and he took another Kleenex to clean us and rid us of the sticky fluid.

He thudded back down next to me and we looked at the ceiling, and at each other. We knew we were assessing what just happened.

Then I farted. Jake looked at me and started to shake. I though he was about to die, before he let out a loud laugh. We both ended out laughing till our sides hurt.

The rest of the day was filled with fun and serenity that neither of us knew would last past the present.

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