Chapter 1

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Week Two: Sophomore Year

"Move out of my WAY! Losers!" I yell. The hall clears for me as people step back in fear or awe. I am the top. The best, and no one can deny it. I was the schools bad boy. No one could believe that just last year I was a sniveling weak wanna-be.

I was nothing, but not anymore. Now I'm something. MORE then something. I was practically a God.

I got layed every other day, and I could get away with anything. I'd slept with half the schools girls, and the other half wished they could get with this.

In the past year I had gone up a few pounds from all the muscle I had. I was fucking shredded. I could carry Jake in my arms across a football field. (He's 6'2 bundle of just really heavy.)

Another plus was that my lisp was gone! I didn't even need to think about it anymore, which was good, because the Squip said I had more important things to worry about now.

Out of all this amazingness I somehow managed to get hella self esteem issues. The Squip said that if I bully people it would make me feel a lot better.

I didn't like it at first, but I got used to it. It's an easy pattern to get into. Look at the people you think are less than you and hurt them until they run away crying.

It used to make me feel so guilty.

What happened?

I yelped as I got shocked bitterly. "What are you doing Rich, I told you to pay attention." The Squip demanded it its little frog form.

"You okay man, you just jumped a mile into the air. You're doing that a lot lately, what's wrong?" My friend Dustin asked annoyed. He was in the middle of a really boring story about how many girls he cheated on. I was in a group with Ram, Kurt and Jake.

"Nothing...I...uh... have dyslexia?" I prayed that they didn't know what that was.

"Ohhhhh, that makes perfect sense!" Ram said slowly.

"Is it contagious?" Kurt asked Ram quietly.

"I don't think so dude." Ram said whispering back. I restrained myself from face palming.

"So Jakey D, how's the little fireball brunette? You getting some?" Dustin said lazily. We were on the side bleachers catching our breath from running two miles around the track. The nice cool breeze of summer brushed down my back and I let out a content sigh. Life was good.

"Well, me and Chlo...I'll be honest with you guys. I don't think it will work out." He said sadly. There's a rumor going around the school saying I cheated on her with my dads Czechoslovakian girlfriend.

"What so you didn't have sex with his Czechoslovakian lady?" Ram asked shocked.

Jake smirked, "Well I did, but that's not the point." The boys laughed and I high-fived Jake.

"Haha! Get some!" Dustin said standing, making a jerk off motion with his hand, and sitting back down as we laughed.

"Yah, but that made Chlo pretty upset. Girls are so confusing man..." Jake sighed and looked over to the other bleachers where the girls were giggling. "First they say they want you, then they say they need space, then when you try and get layed they are angry when you don't go to them."

"Offer support. You're the best friend, socially you're the first to comfort if something goes wrong. If you don't someone will challenge your status, and we don't want that." The Squip says. I put a hand on Jake's shoulder.

"I'm sorry man, if there's anything I can do to help you I would." Jake smiled up at me. I knew him well enough to know that he was pretty broken up about the rumor. I was going to beat the shit out of whoever started it. I know he played it off for appearances sake, but Jake is really possessive. He couldn't cheat because the thought of his potential partner cheating on him was so far fetched. (Even if it wasn't...)

Besides Jake's parents only come home on holidays, and never stayed long. It was really sad. "Thanks Rich. Means a lot." He said standing and smiling brightly. We looked over to the other three staring and we collectively sighed. "No Homo." We both said in unison. Sometimes the cost of social status was so stupid.

The bell rang and that was the end of school. I had some extra stuff to do in the weight room, and I said goodbye to the others.

"There is a way you could help him Rich." The Squip fizzled and appeared in front of me. I stopped walking.

'No. No way, Jake doesn't need to be any more chill. He's already cool, and he's perfect just the way he is. What you need to do is find me the guy who spread that rumor.' I thought continuing to walk past it.

"Am I reading a hint of affection?" It asked.

'Fuck off and do your job. I'll handle my relationship with Jake myself.' I clench my fists as the Squip shocks me.

"I made you Rich and I can unmake you. You better watch what you say to your superiors." It hisses in a static filled voice. I whimper as it gives a bigger shock. Some girl from across the weight room gives me a weird look but I smile and wave her off.

When I get home I'm exhausted. The Squip tells me that this kid, Arnold something or other, has a nick for spreading rumors. I make him my target for tomorrow as I finish my homework in a record five seconds. (It usually takes me seven.)

I go to bed slowly and dream about tomorrow. I'm surrounded by hot car model girls and so is Jake. We're both in a hot tub with those weird fruity drinks that taste like heaven. Two bros chillin' in a hot tub.

Life's pretty much perfect.

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