Chapter 7

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Week Three: Junior Year

Jake POV

I woke up in the theater. I had forgotten that I didn't go home. Then I remembered I didn't have a home.

I giggled.

Oh well.

I straightened out my clothes before my Squip powered on. It smiled at me and held out its hands. "You're doing very well Jake." I hugged it and smiled wider. Today was going to be a great day.

"Thanks dad," I said pulling away. He smiled and twitched in the air then vanished. "D-dad?"

"I'm right here, I'll always be here son." He said in my mind. It was comforting. "Now, lets go to the mall before the play and buy you a couple new things." He said warmly.

"Uh...I was planning on seeing Rich at the hospital today. They say he's slowly getting better." I collected my stuff and prayed that the school wasn't locked down from the inside.

My father shuttered in front of my eyes. "No. You cannot do that Jake. Rich...needs some time. I think it's best you don't see him today." He told me. I shook my head.

"I want to see him. I'm worried..." I trailed off as my father flickered and turned into someone else. "R-Rich?"

"I am a mental projection of him." Squip-Rich said, "He is happy where he is at. I promise, but if you still want to see him I can stay this way of you want?" The Not-Rich answered.

"No, I'm good, you're too...different." Memory's bubbled up from the party. I looked down, he'd probably still hate me. I didn't know what to feel. He was my best friend, but he burned down my house. There isn't any social tips to deal with that. I felt lost.

My feelings faded quickly. They turned into thoughts of popularity and fame. Me as the best football player up with the greats. I smiled as my Squip shot me finger guns.

"Lets go." He said turning back into my dad. I nodded and exited the building. The Squip turning off the security systems as I left.

It took me a short while to get to the mall. Crutches are hard to maneuver over long distances. My arms and shoulders were starting to hurt. As I walked I talked to my dad. He told me about himself. I learned that he was a pretty funny guy. He told me who was going to win the Super Bowl this year. It was amazing.

I got to the mall and got a few jerseys with the emergency money that I had grabbed before the fire. My Squip picked out a cool blue jacket, much like my red one, for me to wear.

As we exited a man walked past us. He bumped into me and I shivered. Something wasn't quite right about him. He was holding his head and moaning in pain. Dad went quiet.

"Jake, tonight is an important night. You play a key role in these events." He said cryptically. I turned away from looking at the man.

"What's going to happen tonight? Besides the play." I said my mouth full of rice from that Thai place we went to for lunch before we left. (To-go Thai food is a work of genus.)

"Imagine a world with no pain. Where everyone is happy and calm and nothing bad ever happens. A world we're everyone has a Squip to tell them who to be with. Were diseases go extinct because of natural selection and everyone can do what they want. Where everyone is more chill." He said. He glitched and flickered his smile turning a little less warm and a little more dark. Cruel.

Then he quickly flicked back to normal and smiled. I didn't say anything. Something about him put me off.

I ended up walking to the school. I arrived just as Mr. Reyes opened the doors. Jenna came after and started working on one of the props used in the play. Mr. Reyes went over to help as kids slowly came and got into costume.

Soon it was time for the play. I knew my lines and where to go. I just hoped that I remembered how to angle my crutches so it didn't look weird.

"Welcome everyone," Christine nervously laughed, "Thank you so much for coming to our production of, uh, a Midsummer Nightmare...about zombies...uhuh..." the room filled with cheers. "Uh, it's been a ruff week for us at Middleboro...Which is why this play is so important! To bring the school together! To share with you something special! I know that if Rich were here, instead of the intensive care unit at Beth Israel, he'd say, 'GO OUT THERE AND SHOW EVERYONE THE RELEVANT POWER OF LIVE THEATER!!!'"

I chucked, Rich couldn't care less about theater, that's why he never really came to my practices until they were over.

I was rushed backstage as Christine finished up the greetings. "Thanks everyone! Break a leeeeg!" She said as she stepped behind the certain.

"Not cool." I said huffing, she looked at me apologetically.

I saw Jeremy off to the side. He was cool and collected. He pulled Christine to the side to talk to her about something. My Squip ushered me away to costuming.

The play started without a hitch. It was going smoothly.

A Midsummer Nightmare. Sounds lame, I know, but it was really fun. I got to play a hero so it was chill. I looked out into the audience, I felt as though I was forgetting something. I couldn't remember right now.

Jeremy yelled from backstage. I jumped, and my legs throbbed. I stuttered over my line. I exited as soon as my scene was through.

Jeremy and his friend I saw him with sometimes, uh, Mitchell I think, were on the floor arguing. I was kind of shocked, but I don't judge so I just kinda tried to walk away.

Then Mitchell yelled to me, "Hey!" I froze, dang so close. "This might sound weird, but if I hold Jeremy down could you give him this Mountain Dew red?" I thought about it. Of all the kinky things this was probably the strangest, but I've done some pretty weird things so this was nothing really. I didn't see why I couldn't.

"Sure, that doesn't sound weird at all." I said sincere as I could. I walked over and Jeremy screamed gibberish.

My body shook and I felt myself, but it wasn't me anymore. I felt my body go numb. I screamed as pain hit my body like an electric burst. My Squip! I couldn't see it or hear it, but I could feel it.

I felt a cold smile settle on my face. "I was already pretty boss before," I grabbed the red drink from the kid and threw it to the ground. The top busted open, "but now I'm boss and then some more! I'm living the upgrade."

I felt my body break out of my casts and walk. I screamed, but no one could hear me. "Wha- it healed your legs?" Jeremy said shocked.

"No, but I can't feel pain! ITS AWESOME! GOD I LOVE ME!" I looked at myself as if from different eyes. I felt my Squip take a hold of Jeremy's friend as Jeremy was assured away to a group on the stage by Chloe and Brooke.

The kid struggled and shook in my arms. He knocked me in the face with his elbow and I stumbled back holding my now broken nose. "You little SHIT!"

I followed him as he and Jeremy were pushing back loads of Squipped students. I grabbed him and he kicked me back.

Then it was over. Like my head had gone empty. I was seized with pain. I screamed and must have passed out.

Everything went black as I heard a cacophony of screams.

Hey, it's Bee!
Sorry for the late update my Hive! If you read this you're on the last leg of the journey! Only one more school year to go! I'll try and stick to my 4 day update schedule, but understand that I'm trying to put out as my updates as possible for you guys! I hope you enjoy the story so far.

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