CHAPTER 1 : A Hard Decision

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Darkness surrounds the deserted room. A tall figure is sitting in front of a large desk, the only furniture in the room. He switches on the dim lamp table on the desk and takes out a file from the drawer.

He looks at the file in his hand. His heart is now confused; he’s in dilemma to make the right choice, the right decision. Is it to choose his love or to choose the one that his love loves? He takes out a picture that was attached to the file and looks at it tenderly. They are three girls in the picture. And one of them is the person who he loves the most in his life. Just then, there was a knock on the door of his room.

“Come in.” He says, quickly hiding the picture in the drawer.

“Boss, Mr. Woo Jung Ho is here.” The man speaks.

 “Hrmm.” He just nodded before standing up and follows his assistant out of the room.

As he walks to the hallway, a man’s figure can be seen sitting on the couch, back facing him. He know really well who’s the man is. Two guys are standing on both side of him, no doubt that they are his bodyguard. As he stands right in front of 50-years old man, the man greets him in a made-up cheerful tone.

“Ji Ho… my son... It’s been a long time right?” he tries to hug the younger male but he refuses and shove his hands away. Both of his bodyguards flinch in alert. He raises his hand to his bodyguards

“It’s okay.” He said before sits down again at the couches. The guys back away.

“So… How about the assignment I gave you? My son?” he asks again even though he knows really well that the younger male doesn’t like it.

“I’m not your son.” He spits, as if the word are the most disgusting things ever.

“Woo Ji Ho…” The man says in a strict tone.

“Don’t you dare to call me with that name again.” He clenches his fist in anger. After all, this man is his father, his own father even though he hates to admit it.

Hearing those words, he bursts in laughter. “Woo Ji Ho. That’s the name I gave you, the name your father gave you.” He stressed the word father. “The name your mother gave you.” He says sarcastically.

 “Don’t you dare to mention her. She has nothing to do with all your shits.” Again, the old man chuckles.

“Of course she has something to do with this. You know what I mean. You know your assignment got a due right? So do her life.” He whispers right into his ear. “You better hurry, time is ticking.” He then stands up and leaves the room.

“Damnit Woo Jung Ho, she’s your own wife!” he shouts as his father takes another step.

The old man let a deep sigh before letting out an evil chuckle. “Sure she was… but now, not anymore.” he answers before walks out of the room.

The room is now filled with silence as how it was before. He stares at the door where his so-called father’s figure disappears to. Why must hatred and revenge took it all? Why can his life be as normal since the beginning? Why he was raised as a killer. It’s not what he asked for.

He storms to his room and take the previous picture from the drawer. He stares at the image of the girl at the most left side. His heart trembles as he moves his fingers on her face in that emotionless piece of paper.

 “I have no choice.” He says, more like whispering to himself.

“Babe, I’m Sorry.” He says in regret. Just then, he takes out the phone in his pocket, he doesn’t have to wait long before another party answers the call. 

“Kyung, the plan will be carried out tonight.” Just like that he hung the phone. For the last time, he takes a look at the picture once again, before tears it into half, separating the youngest girl in the picture from the other two. 


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