CHAPTER 3 : Hyung... Why Do You Leave Me?

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Ji Ho walks into the graveyard with a bunch of flowers in his hand. As he reaches his destination, he kneels over a grave and put the flower on the tombstone neatly.

“Hyung, I'm here.” He starts to speak, a bitter smile plastered on his face.

“I bring you flowers. It's white lillies. You like it? Or... Do you prefer roses more?"

"That sounds gay..” he chuckles, more to himself.

“Hyung... what should I do now? Did I make the right decision?”  He strokes the name craved on the tombstone gently with his finger.

“Hyung….” He calls again, as if waiting for an answer from his long-gone brother.

”Hyung…please tell me something. Answer me…What should I do? Please.” Even he desperately plead, the answer will never come even in thousand years.

"I don't know what to do." he looks down.

"Hyung. Why do you leave too soon? I really miss you. Eomma... She really miss you... She always asks me about you." 

"Only you." He whispers.

"It's unfair. Hyung... remember when we were still kids?"  He pauses for a moment, reminiscing the past. The only thing JiSeok left for him, only memories.

"You promised that you will always be by my side, protecting me. Just because I've grown up... it doesn't mean you can break your promises. Hyung.... why? Why did you leave now? Why?" He suddenly bursts into tears.  

"Hyung... don't you love me anymore?" He hugs the tombstones and cries like a little kid, still calling his hyung... As if that will bring him back to life. 

But imposibble. 

For the next fifteen minutes no words come from him anymore. He just sits there next to his brother’s tomb and cries his eyes out. A cry he’s been holding for as long as he can remember. Sure he is a man but there’s no rules stating that a man shouldn’t cries. He got feelings too.

“Hyung…” he pauses for a moment.

“You once told me that a man shouldn’t cry. Now that I’m crying next to you… Are you laughing at me?” he asks, still in his tears.

After a moment letting all his feelings out, he stands up, wiping his tears using the edge of his jacket.

“Hyung, I need to go. It’s nice talking to you. Know what? I never say this to you before but I do love you. I really love you.“ it’s hard for him to leave the place, but whether he likes it or not, he need to go.

"We will meet each other soon, hyung. Just wait there and save a nice place for me. Soon." 

He turns around and makes a step away from the tombstone, away from the graveyard where he hopes Woo Ji Seok would lies in peace.

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