CHAPTER 11 : The Ugly Truth

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After an hour of ride, Ji Ho finally reaches his destination, the mansion where his mother is. Kyung was already there with a bunch of their men. All of them gather inside the house. There are just two men patrolling outside the place in case something will happen because they don’t want to attract any attention from the outsiders. Their plan tonight is supposes to be a secret... to his father and also the Park sisters.

Ji Ho knows Hani is not going to let him go that easily… and his mother too. That’s why he decided to move his mother far away, out from Seoul. In his life, this is the biggest decision he ever made and this is the first time he choose to back away without any battle, he already let his revenge towards Ji Seok’s murderer go. He doesn’t care what people will think… It may seem like a cowardly excuse but he can’t stand to risk his mother’s life anymore. 

As Ji Ho enter the huge mansion, Kyung stands from his place and walks towards him.

“Right on time…” Kyung says as he greets Ji Ho with a hand gesture.

“This is me you are talking about.” He smirks.

“Where’s Lady Yoo?” Ji Ho asks as he observes the almost packed living room.

“Oh… she’s supposes to be preparing, packing or what-so-ever...  She’s in the maid’s room, maybe.” Kyung answers casually pointing to the upper floor.

“I’m going to see her.” Kyung just nods at him and watch Ji Ho walks to the maid’s chamber.   

Ji Ho peeks his head into the maid’s chamber and sees Lady Yoo standing back facing him on the balcony. He walks into the room and outlining what he’s going to say to her for this farewell in his mind. Still, she was once his nanny and even if he’s all grown up now… He can never erase his respect towards the wise old lady.

“Ji Ho do-ryeo-nim.” The old lady calls without looking at him. She knows he’s there.

“Lady Yoo…” he calls back, but pauses right away.

“Aren’t you packing?” Ji Ho asks the old lady, that’s not what he planned to say just now.

“It’s been almost 50 years.” Ignoring Ji Ho’s question, she starts to speak.

“Since I served the Woo’s family… You are the third generation.” Ji Ho seems a little bit confuse with her speech but still listens to her. She’s like his grandmother after all, so wise, so strict yet so loving.

“I was here when Jung Ho was still a kid…I’m still here when Ji Seok do-ryeo-nim were born. And then you…” She finally turns and looks at Ji Ho.

“I saw the three of you grow up. I never thought I would be alive until today to see who you are now. You are 23 already. I watched the three of you change as you grow up.” She continues before turns around again. Her sight lost into the dark landscape that surrounds the gloomy mansion.

“Jung Ho… I was the one who raised him. How did it come wrong…? He was once a good kid grown up as a noble man… but everything changes not long after your grandfather died in an accident… which he believed not. He believed that it is a planned massacre...  That’s when revenge started to trail in this family like a curse.” She continues after a deep sigh, totally showing her regrets.

“Never once it crossed my mind… that… this family would finally tear apart likes this. Once, you all were so happy... So harmony...” The sad tone of her voice explains everything.

“What makes it even worse…  Jung Ho was too carried away with his own vengeance. He fell to deep in the game; he was too obsessed in finding his father’s murderer and he started to neglect his own family…. Ji Seok do-ryeo-nim, you and Ji Hyun.” Not knowing how to react, Ji Ho just leans against the patterned wall, patiently listens to Lady Yoo’s story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2014 ⏰

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