i can't

86 21 4

time's going by too fast.
i don't want to grow up yet.
i don't want life to be over before it even got to start.
each second wasted
weighs down on my shoulders,
and everything is so heavy.
gravity's pull has grown stronger
with each step i keep taking.

if only turning back the hands on a clock
actually rewinded time
instead of adding to the pain.
if only i had ice powers to freeze time
that wouldn't also freeze my heart.
if only i could watch life in slow motion,
but i'd still be watching it all pass by.

i can't carry this anymore.
it's too much pressure.
it's too heavy.
i can't do this anymore.
i can't. i can't. i can't.
i have to let go of something.
i may have to let go of
but i'm afraid that i'll lose my balance
and everything will come
tumbling down.
i can't carry on.

of this shit,
and i'm about ready to
close my eyes
and let everything go
crashing down.

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