4- New friend?

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I walked into school with my head held high, trying my best not to look weak? I guess that's what I was doing. I just didn't want to be pushed around. I actually started to look at my surroundings. Tons, and when I say tons, I mean TONS of girls were just standing at their lockers, glaring at me. Pathetic, right? I knew what they wanted. Or should I say who? Justin of course. I mean he was the heartthrob of the school. The bad boy every girl wanted. But poor them, they had to watch me be friends with him. Oh my god get over yourselves. I was saying this in my head of course, some of these girls heels can squish me in two seconds. Like really, they're practically laying on their friends, while they're in those heels too. I just want to go over there and poke the first one in line and see them all fall down like dominoes. 

I realized that I was so caught up in my thoughts, I wasn't watching where I was going. Again. You have got to be kidding me. I was about to fall, but then a hand caught me around my waist and pulled me up. My eyes were wide and I stared at Joey. 

"We both really need to watch where we're going. This is going to end up happening everyday!" He chuckled loudly. I laughed along too. 

"Yeah sorry about that, I was just thinking of how I can poke one of those girls wearing the heels and they'll all fall over like dominoes." I looked behind my shoulder at them, knowing Joey was probably the second most popular at school. I glared back at them and stuck my tongue out. They all crossed their arms and pouted. Aw, poor little barbies didn't get their way? What a shame. I saw Joey sneak a glance towards our right and I saw an angry looking Justin stomp over to us. Once he noticed I was looking, his gaze turned soft and he strolled over to us.  

"Hey Belle. I'm really sorry, but I have to sit with Joey next period because of the project we started before you came. I think Professor is just going to give you something else to work on. I'll be with you all the other periods okay?" He smiled at me. I felt a little disappointed knowing that I'll be alone once again. But I masked that and just nodded my head smiling. 

"Yeah, that's fine, I'll see you in class." He nodded

"See you in class Muffin." He chuckled and walked away. I turned also, walking towards my locker.  Muffin? Where did that come from. I actually really like the nickname. But it feels weird to be called it I guess. I shrugged my shoulders and decided to drop it. 

I got my things from my locker and strolled into the classroom, feeling a pair of eyes on me. 

"Hey Muffin," He yelled, catching everyone's attention. My cheeks were bright red as I walked over to him.

"You definitely are annoying." I chuckled, rolling my eyes. He gasped like he was offended by my statement. 

"How dare you talk to me that way. I don't want to see you, go sit down." He humphed like a little girl and crossed his arms. I giggled and walked away yelling hi to Joey. 

"Hi Muffin!" He yelled back to me. I groaned and threw my head into my crossed arms on the table. 

"Really now you?" I mumbled, letting the smile creep onto my face. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Justin elbow him in his ribs and he grunted. He held his hands up in surrender and I sighed at the two boys. They were practically brothers. 

I heard the chair next to me scrape across the ground and I looked over to my left, seeing a girl a little taller than me. She had pastel blue hair that was in two french braids. Her hair was long. I'm guessing her actual hair would go down three quarters of her back. Her nails matched her hair and so did her eyes. Except they were a darker blue. She smiled at me, leaving her hand out for me to shake. 

"Hey, my name's Taylor." I shook her hand, smiling back at her. 

"I'm Belle." She nodded. 

"I know who you are, every popular girl hates you because you're with "their man." It's ridiculous. But you're the talk of the school." She sighs and looks at me. 

"They're just jealous that you're so much prettier than them. I mean look at you! You're barely wearing any makeup and your hair is so beautiful. Look at those eyes!" She rambled. I started to blush at her words. 

"You're my new friend. I don't usually make friends this easily. But I know there's something about you that we will get along perfectly." She nods grabbing my hand in hers. I chuckled. 

"I'd love to be your friend Taylor." We let go and started taking notes as soon as the Professor walked in the room, silently giggling to each other. Apparently Taylor wasn't here for two weeks so she was exempt from the project too. Finally I made a friend that was a girl. And nothing was going to mess this up. We had the same opinions, loved the same bands, had the same, but different styles. Justin and I were stealing glances at one another, and it was very obvious. But after awhile we really didn't care if other people or one another noticed, and just full on stared at each other until Joey yelled at him to keep doing the project. 


Okay so hey guys. Don't you guys just love Taylor? She's actually so much like me. I love people who just go up to people and start talking to them if they're alone. I do that all the time. Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it. It means so much. Ok bye lovlies ❤❤❤❤❤

Word Count- 1018

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