5- My WHAT?

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⇞That's Taylor⇞

~Belle's POV~

As soon as I plopped onto my bed my phone rang. You have got to be kidding me, I just got back from school and I don't want to get up. I let Broken Home from Five Seconds of Summer play a little bit, when I finally got up. I grabbed my phone off of my desk and answered it just in time. 

"Hello?" I groaned into the phone, yawning softly.

"Hello. You're Belle Wittmann, yes?" The woman asks politely.

"Um, yes. Who is this?" I furrow my eyebrows together. 

"This is Red Cross Hospital on Roselake Avenue. We have some bad news for you. Please come as soon as you can. This is inappropriate to discuss on the phone. It is not about you. Please hurry." She sounds like she's in a rush. 

"Yeah, um, okay I'll be there right away." I say hanging up the phone. I groan. I'll have to walk I guess. WAIT. Justin has a car. Well a truck. It's like 35 minutes just by driving. Walking it would take like two hours. I don't want to bother him though. Whatever, I'll just ask him. I look for his contact and press the green call button, putting the phone up to my ear. It rings once, twice. 

"Hey Muffin, is everything okay?" He asks sounding out of breath. A frown is placed on my face. 

"Never mind, it seems like you're busy." I mumbled into the speaker, not wanting to annoy him. He chuckles. 

"No I'm not doing anything. Just out for a run. What's up?" 

"Well um, I was wondering if you could drive me somewhere, like as soon as possible." I chuckle a little knowing how desperate I sounded. 

"Of course. Anything for my Muffin." I could imagine the smile on his face and I blushed to myself at the nickname. 

"Oh wait, I might be there for awhile. I'm not sure. But you can just drive me there and then I'll walk back." I groaned, just realizing. 

"Nonsense. I'll stay for however long you need to. I don't have anything to do." I heard a slap and then a grunt. He's with people. 

"You don't have to, I mean if you're busy with people. It's fine." I pick at my nail polish on my fingers. 

"I'm driving you, I'll be there in five. Don't argue with me, bye Muffin!" He yells before ending the call. I roll my eyes. The nickname's growing on me. I' d never admit that though. I sigh getting up and putting my sandals back on my feet. I pop a piece of gum into my mouth and grab my purse as I hear a knock on the door. 

I run down the stairs and open the door smiling at Justin. 

"Hello there Muffin." He chuckles as I yawn. 

"Hey Justin." I mumble rubbing my eyes. 

"Where do you need to go Madam?" He asks as he opens the passenger door for me, bowing. He shuts my door and jogs around to the other side of his truck as he gets in. 

"Hospital." I sigh as he starts the ignition. His eyes widen. 

"Can I ask why? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He stares into my eyes as I shrug. 

"I really don't know. This girl called me to tell me that I need to come ASAP." I groaned. He looks deep in thought and then nods. 

"Well you look tired so you can sleep Muffin. It's a long drive." I nod and yawn again closing my eyes as darkness engulfs me. 

I wake up to a soft shaking on my shoulder.

"Muffffinnnnnn," Justin says in a sing song voice. I groan and turn around so I'm facing him. My eyes widen as I realize I'm still chewing gum. I brush my hands in my hair and sigh in relief as I don't feel the familiar stickiness through my locks. 

We get out of the car and walk through the doors. The waiting room shatters my heart. Everyone is upset with bloodshot eyes. Half of them are sobbing uncontrollably. I tear my eyes away from the sight and walk up to the front desk. 

"Hello, I was called here by a women. I don't know what it was about though. My name is Belle Wittmann." I inform her. She nods. 

"Yes well it looks like your brother got into a car accident a few days ago. But we had a hard time contacting you or your mother. Your father just left a few minutes ago." My eyes widened. 

"I think there has been a mistake. I don't have a brother. And um, well my father died when I was really young." I mumbled as I looked at her confused. 

"Oh I'm sorry, but you're the only Belle Wittmann that is even close to here. Your mother is Sierra Jennings, correct?" She asks politely, looking confused also. I nod slowly. I forget Justin is there as he speaks up. 

"Well can we go and see him?" He asks placing an arm around my shoulders. I just stand there deep in my thought. 

"It's only family I'm sorry." She looks at him. 

"I'm her boyfriend. Look at her, she's shocked beyond belief. Let me go in there with her." He argues. The nurse nods her head and starts typing on her computer. 

"Room 159. Down the right hall all the way at the end. It's on your right." She smiles apologetically at us. We nod and Justin leads us over. 

"Boyfriend huh?" I chuckle, trying to get myself calm and slow my heart rate down from being so shocked. He laughs softly. 

"She wasn't going to let me in. I had to do what I had to do Muffin. Plus I like the title." My eyes widened as I choked on my own saliva. 

"You know, boyfriend. It gives me a thug vibe about me. But also caring and sweet." I sigh as I realize he's only talking about the title. I feel hurt and relief at the same time. I stop in front of my "brothers" door and I twist the nob and push it open. I gasp at what I see next. 


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my book! Please vote it, it means so much. I'm hoping more people read it and see if they like it. I wasn't committed with my other books. But I will finish this one. I don't know how exactly I'm going to plan this out, but I'll do it guys! 

Word count- 1106

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