12- Talking About Everything

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I woke up to the smell of just cooked bacon. I scrunched my eyebrows together and opened my eyes, glancing at the clock on the wall. Wait, it's 10 o'clock?

 I quickly sat up, scared at first, but then groaned and relaxed as soon as I realized we were off today. I threw the blanket off of me, peering around the corner into the kitchen. 

I saw Justin standing there, his back to me as he was cooking bacon. I know what you're thinking, yes, he was wearing a shirt. But my eyes lightened up at all the food. On the table in the dining room was a stack of pancakes with drizzled Nutella, fresh fruit, and some whipped cream. There were also some scrambled eggs, toast with butter, some breakfast sausage, and two cups of coffee laid out on the table. 

"You didn't have to do this," I smiled, actually stepping into the kitchen. 

"Yeah but the smile on your face was worth it." He chuckled as I blushed. He finally turned around and leaned up against the counter, making sure not to burn the bacon. 

"Don't worry by the way, your mom was gone before I came down." I nodded as he looked at me. 

"I don't want you to think that I'm rushing you Muffin. I know it's a big decision and everything is a lot to hear at once. But don't worry, I'll support you either way." He smiled, taking the bacon off the pan as he turned the stove off. He placed them on the plate and walked over the the table, putting them in the center. 

"I'm just scared honestly. Like I just got thrown into this situation." I groaned, taking a seat at the table. Justin sat across from me, resting his elbows on the table. 

"Talk to me, Tell me what you're worried about." He nodded for me to go on, picking up a pancake and flipping it onto his plate. I sighed, grabbing one also. 

"It's a few things. Like you're a werewolf. You can bight my face off at any moment." He rolls his eyes. 

"Believe me, my wolf is so in love with you that he would never hurt you." He chuckles. We take a bite and then I continue. 

"It's also that, like how do you already love me? You've barely known me and you want to have kids with me. It's so crazy," I sigh, taking another bite as I put some bacon on my plate. He shrugs. 

"I guess it's just that we all know from the start that we can't like mess around with any other girls because we have to only love one person. It's commitment and it's hard, until you find her. Now all I can think about is how beautiful you are and how I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you." I blush at that, looking down at my plate. 

"It's also the fact that you're alpha. And i'd have to look after that pack too right? Like I'm human, how am I supposed to do that? No one's going to like me because I can't give them what they need in a Luna." I groaned, stuffing my face with some eggs. He burst out laughing at that. 

"Everyone in my pack would love you. Honestly, they have to love their Luna or they know that I can ban them from the pack and make them a rouge." My eyes widened at that. "I'm joking. I can do that, but I wouldn't because they would love you anyway. They have a pull to their Luna. You're like their mother and you look after them." He smiled at me, taking my hand in his from across the table. "You would be the best Luna I could ever ask for." I sighed as I nodded. 

"I'll think about it. I just don't know what it would bring in the future, and everything that would happen. I don't know if I'm ready for the commitment." I groan, finishing my breakfast and putting my plate in the sink. 

"I know," he sighed, putting his in the sink as well. "It's not like a normal high school relationship. It requires commitment, trust, and responsibility. Some people would never be able to do any of this. But I know you well enough to know that you would do an amazing job." He turned around, taking my small hands in his. "You're the most amazing, beautiful, hard working, determined girl I've ever met. And that says something because I've only known you for a week or two." He smirks, "And I can't wait to see what the future holds if you take up my proposition. I wont rush you into anything. I promise." He hugs me closely, sighing as he lays his head on top of mine. 

He pushes back and smiles at me, "I want to take you somewhere." I look at him confused but he just keeps smiling. 

"May I ask where?" I question, furrowing my eyebrows, watching his smile turn into a small half smirk. 

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." Justin walks over to the table, beginning to put all of the food away.

"Oh okay, so this is some cheesy romance book now?" I chuckle, going over to help him. He starts placing the pancakes into a container, then walking over and putting them into the fridge. 

"When was it not? That's what I was going for. Our life will be a romance story that teenage girls and boys drool over. I wouldn't have it any other way." He laughs, going and grabbing the sausage. 

"I would have never thought that my life would ever end up like that. I mean I never thought werewolves existed either, but I was wrong about that. Honestly I'm probably wrong about everything." We start laughing as I hear a car door shut. I get confused, and take a peek out of the window. 

"Of course," I groan. "It's my mother." 

"Of course it is. I guess our little adventure is going to be starting early." He rolls his eyes as he takes my hand and we head out the back sliding door. 


AH OKAY GUYS. I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN MORE THAN A MONTH. Okay so I've been so busy, I've been having to stay after school until 9 for my dance show that was Thursday and Friday. I try to write on the bus but honestly it's so hard because I have such bad motion sickness. And by the time I got home I was exhausted from dancing for twelve hours, and not even going to classes that I just got in the shower and went to sleep. But here's a chapter! See you later my loveliesss! <3

QOTD- Do you celebrate Christmas?

AOTD- Yes and it's in 8 days omg I'm freaking out. 

Word count- 1160

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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