8- Breaking News

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~Belle's POV~

They both looked at each other with sad looks on their faces. They slowly looked back to me. Giant smiles came on their faces and they both nodded their heads fast. I felt arms around me to see that they were both hugging me. Alice was? Wow. But I just smile and put my arms around them. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank youuuuuuu!" They both repeated over and over again. I laughed. 

"You're very welcome. I knew something was wrong with this dummy," I mumbled softly at the end as I smacked the back of Justin's head. I heard Alice chuckle and Justin whimper.

"Ow, that hurt." He whined. They let go of me and Alice had a guilty look on her face.

"Listen, Belle, I'm really sorry for how I acted towards you. I just got jealous and annoyed with my brother." She sighed as she looked towards the ground. I smiled at her.

"Don't worry about it. I forgive you. Now Justin, let's start this project. It's due tomorrow and we haven't done anything." He shrugged.

"How hard could it be?" He asked himself.

~25 minutes later~

"You have got to be kidding me! What's the point of math, we're never going to use this! It's like history! Everyone's dead, so I really don't need to know what they did." He ranted, falling back into his bed. I chuckled walking over to him.

"Math is nothing like history. I hate history and I agree with you on that." I wrote a few things down on the paper, equations and examples.

"I give up, we're going to The Lily." He stands up and walks downstairs, me following. The Lily is a diner close by where a lot of people go to hang out and eat. Subs, sandwiches, soup, salad, wraps, everything like that. It's like our local diner pretty much. 

He was about to walk through the door when I stopped him. 

"Hey Alice, do you want to come with us?" I ask to her. She gets up off of the couch as she nods her head and starts walking with us. We get into Justin's BMW i8 and drive off to The Lily. 


The little bell rings as we walk through the door, telling people that new customers have arrived. We all sat in a booth and started looking through the menu silently, picking out what we wanted to eat. I decided on a grilled chicken caesar wrap with a side of curly fries. We all ordered and started a conversation. 

"So, how's the project going guys?" Alice asked, knowing that we were working on that for a little while. 

"Don't even talk about that," Justin groaned, slamming his head on the table. We started laughing as he rubbed his head.

 "Yeah that wasn't the best idea." I chuckled, placing my elbows on the table. Our food came out a few minutes later, all of us eating like hungry wolves. There was a little TV in the corner, showing the news. 

Breaking news, there has been another sighting of wolves in the woods. They were traveling in a pack. Be careful, don't walk through the woods and stay as far as possible from them. 

The screen then went into a Febreze  commercial. Justin and Alice were both staring at me. 

"Have you seen any? You walk through the woods everyday to go home. I see you go behind the school everyday." Justin asked, sounding worried. I shook my head slowly. 

"No, of course not. I've never seen one before." I shrugged, looking at him, trying to be confident about my answer. I'm a pretty good liar, I really don't know why but I am. He nodded slowly. I don't think he bought it though. Alice was looking at the table now, yawning. 

"Look at the time, we should get going." Alice got up as Justin put some money on the table. I shrugged, as it was only six. But okay then. 

He drove us back to his house, since we still had to finish this project. We went back up to his room, and I sighed as I stared at all of the papers on the floor. All we have to do is write the essay, since we, I mean I, figured out all of the equations. Justin grabbed his laptop, opening it, before putting Word on the screen. If you don't know what Word is, it's a typing/essay programmer. I sat on the floor, next to his feet because he was on his bed. I took the laptop from him and he groaned. 

"You're making me feel bad." He mumbled. 

"How?" I asked, typing a header on the top of the page. 

"Well you're doing all of the work. And I don't like it." He sighed, slipping off of his bed and onto the floor with me. I shrugged and kept typing. It really wasn't much to type, we only had to right one page about our ending result and how we did it. He was just staring at the screen, watching me type. 

"I would help, but I don't know what you're doing." He groaned and got up, taking his acoustic guitar in his hand and sits back on his bed. He starts randomly strumming notes, but it's actually very calming. I finish the piece in about ten minutes, quickly emailing it to the math teacher. I close his laptop, and groan, placing it on his bed. He chuckle and placed his guitar on his bed. 

"Thank you Belle, I never could've done that. I need to repay you. If you ever need anything I'll be there." He chuckles, taking my hand and helping me up. I smile at him and nod. 

"Okay let's get you home." 


Hey guysss! Okay I am sosososo sorry for not updating FOR THE LONGEST TIME (Comment if you know that song). But this chapter is definitely a filler, I had the hardest time trying to write this. I've been trying to write this for weeks and I finally finished it!  I've started school and, it's a lot. I get up at 5:30-6 and don't get home until 5. I'm on a bus for two hours a day. And I go to a performing arts school, but it's a votech, so it has other things too like engineering, CAD, automotive, and tons of other things. But I take dance and I don't know. It's a lot of work and I feel like everyone's just better than me and has more experience. But it's also because we haven't done any of my strong points yet. WE HAVEN'T DONE ANY LEAPS OR TURNS. I just have to keep telling myself that I got in, and only 12 people got in! Yeah okay I'm done with my rant. Bye my lovliess <3, Have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend. 

QOTD- What grade are you in?

AOTD- 9th

Word count- 1163

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