Chapter 6: Back in Time

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"Now you agree with me?" Poe says with disbelief in his voice. 

"Well, I'm sorry for not forseeing these lunatics holding us hostage," Alona bluntly said.

"I'm an old friend! Not a lunatic!" Serija said. "I still didn't get your name."

"Please let it go. Let us go. Do it for an old friend, please!" Poe pleaded.

"You say this girl is your sister? Why did you never talk about her? You said you were an only-child, according to my memory. But earlier, your girlfriend here said you two were 'friends'."

"I never talked about her because she's a bit of an embarrassment to me. It was easier to say I was an only-child than explain her."

"Ah. Makes sense. What's her name? Yiu haven't introduced us yet."

"I'm Alona."

"Well, Alona, it's a pleasure to meet you," Serija said holding out her hand to shake."

"Likewise," Alona responded.

"Let's have a girl-to-girl moment, alright? Have you ever been with someone who made you feel really happy? Like you were the luckiest person in the galaxy?"

"I can't say I have."

"Well, you will know when that time comes, you will know how I felt when I was with him. My life went straight to hell when he decided he didn't want me anymore. He got his way then. I am getting things my way now."

"Have you ever thought there could be a different reason things didn't work out? I am getting tired of hearing you talk; you probably drove him away because you talked all the time, Ali explained.

Serija threw a finger up and held it close to Alona'a face. She was obviously not happy. "You don't know what happened that night. Whatever Dameron told you, it isn't what happened."

"Please, get your hand away from my face."

"No! Fera, give it to me," Serija yelled. Another girl walked behind Serija and handed her a knife. She whipped her other hand up and the knife was pointed at Alona's nose. "Damron will pay for that night right now. Nothing will get in my way!"

"Hey, Sera, let's be civil an talk about it," Poe said.

"You had your chance to talk. That was a long time ago. You should have spoke to me then." The knife kept getting closer to Alona's face, but Serija pushed her out of her way.

She took a swing at Poe, but Alona stuck her arm out to block the blow, getting the strike herself. Alona clutched her forearm to her chest as Serija kicked her to the floor. Serija took another stab at Poe, hitting his shoulder. It cut open his jacket and dug into his flesh. She gave another swing at him, but Alona, with her bloody hand up, caught it with the Force.

"I wouldn't try that again," Alona said. She gripped the mad-waman's wrist and tightened her grip until Serija dropped the knife in her hand. Alona pushed her back, with the Force, to two of the other dancers. The others closed in on the Resistance fighters.

Alon turned around quickly elbowing one of the girls in the side of the head. She kicked one blaster out of a dancer's hand and tossed it to Poe. She use the Force to bring her own to her hand and pointed it at one of the heads. One of them actually got a wine glass and whacked her in the face with it. It broke against Alona's cheek bone and shattered all over the floor. She felt the place where she was it and her finger tips were covered in red.


"You're a Jedi or Sith or whatever. Get the police, now!" The dancer shouted.

"I'm neither. Closer to a Jedi, but I'm not one anymore. And now, you'll let us go," Alona commanded. "And you won't call the police."

Alona: Daughter Of Heroes Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant