Chapter 26: The L.A.B. Part 1

37 1 2

26 ABY

Ben/Kylo 25
Alona 25
Poe 28
Treva 12

"Keira, you need to take a left. No, your other left. Okay, keep walking down the hall until you reach that control panel." Keira Sitra was panicking. Alona had figured out that when Keira was put under immense pressure, she mixed up her directions. All she had to do was take a deep breath and fidget with her fingers to calm herself. "Just stay calm. You'll be alright."

Alona was busy training the new Resistance recruits for what they would be experiencing in the field. The battle field. The new recruits were either completely inexperienced or had barely any training under their belt.

The recruits, a lot of them, were not very good with directions. If they can't tell their left from their right, they probably haven't worked a day in their life, or had any schooling. They could almost be lost children waiting for their parents to pick them up and take them home. But Alona was glad that they decided to help the Resistance free the galaxy from the First Order.

"Once you get there, get the door open and get inside before the storm troopers catch up to you."

The storm troopers were just some of the volunteers who were willing to help with practice missions near the base on D'Qar. They didn't mind getting shot with small stun blasts that would only make where they were shot numb. It took a while for Alona to get every one of her recruits ready for blasters. Sadly, it was a lot longer than she had hoped.

Keira's mission was to get into a "First Order" base and get R3-T3 out safely.

There were "storm troopers" on the other side of the door, but she didn't say anything to Keira. Not every mission will go perfectly without any casualties. Ever. You'd be asking for a miracle if you wanted one.

Keira was able to get the door open in less than ten seconds. It was like she knew them like the back of her hand. Keira was an incredibly smart young woman. She was only seventeen. The human in her stuck out like a bad hair day, but Keira learned from her mistakes very quickly. She knew and figured out how to fix the mistakes she made like lightning shooting across the sky. Quick and you won't know it's there until you see it.

Keira was one of the most intelligent people Alona had ever met. She was also blind and that made everything incredibly difficult for her. Alona didn't know how, but Keira knew every bit on tech that was made. She could hack a computer module withing seconds and get any information that was needed. If you would have bet that Keira was incapable of doing something as difficult as hacking the First Order, you would have lost. Her being blind, didn't affect her capability of being a rebel. Give her a job on hacking, your business would be top of the line. All Keira had to do, was work her magic fingers.

Soon enough, the door opened and the recruits' blasters were up and shooting all the "storm troopers" down. The security cameras were shot down, of course they were fake because it is only a practice. They got R3-T3 out of the base and back to the meeting spot.

"Good job, guys," Ali congratulated. "You're getting quicker every time."

"What was our time?" Keiran, Keira's older brother, asked. Keiran is four years older than his sister. They have a younger brother and sister to take care of when they get done with training. Keiran is very protective of his sister. He is always making things "easier" for her.

"Thirty-two minutes, twenty-eight seconds. Five minutes faster than yesterday. But every base will be different. Not every control panel or door or anything else will always be in the same spot every time. The panels, those will be the same, you don't need to worry about those."

Alona went over everything that the recruits needed to go over and practice more: better aiming, quicker steps, quiet feet movements, always keep your blaster in you hand, always be watching for trouble around corners, peek behind the edge of the wall to the other corners, always listen to hear anything that might come your way. There was a lot more that she went over, but it was what they needed to hear. Everyone paid attention to what was said. What they learn now, could save the lives of their teammates or themselves.

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