Chapter 23: Baby Supply Run

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Alona didn't know what to say to the Togruta girl. She didn't know what she would do. She needed time to think. "I did promise you that, I know. But I don't know if I should since we don't know if your new brother or sister is Force sensitive or not." Treva's face went blue. "But I will put a lot of thought into it. I can try to sense whether the child is or isn't if you'd like me to."

Treva's face didn't change. Ali wanted to say that she would still train the little girl the basics of the Force, but if the family did move to the unknown regions, she wouldn't go with them. She couldn't.

"Treva, honey, if Alona can't train you because it would be safer for you to not be trained, that's what will have to happen. Not everything in our lives can go the way that we hope they will be. We'll just have to accept what happens to us," Kinsley said softly to her daughter while taking her hand. "Alona had to go through terrible things that you would only read of in books or in dreams."

"Your mother is right. We can't always get what we wish for, or what we hope is to happen to us. It's just how life works. We can't always get what we want, alright?" Covi scooped up his daughter and put her on his lap. The sad little girl nodded. 

"Hey, Treva. If Ali doesn't teach you all that Jedi stuff, then I'll teach you how to fly an X-Wing. Deal?" Poe offered.

"I knew I liked this kid," Covi said, pointing to Poe. 

"Okay, whatever. Treva, I still plan on teaching you a few things. I can and will promise you that."

Leia walked in from standing at the door. She probably heard everything that was said. "Hello! How are you, Kinsley?" She said making everyone jump. Nobody, but Kinsley and Covi, could see her.

"Just waiting, but I'm doing fine. You?" Kinsley asked.

"Just fine." Leia looked to her daughter. "Alona, may I see you for a minute or two?"

"Yeah, sure." She followed Leia out of the room and into the hall away from the clear glass window. "Is this about me going to try and find Luke?"


"I do need to bring Artoo with me if I do end up going."

"He's still in low power mode. He won't go any where. Threepio has tried, but he only failed," Leia explained.

"Well, he's going to wake his little droid head up and go with me to find Luke."

"Do you have any idea where he is?" Leia asked her adopted daughter.

"No," Alona replies.

"Well, if you're going to leave, go now. It may take a long time to find him."

"I know, but Luke doesn't want to be found. I respect his wishes, but I also want him back here. I will go searching for him again, but it just can't be right now."

"I understand. It's like the search for your father or Jia and Auntra." Ali nodded in response to her mother. "And I do agree with you that it will have to wait. We have more pressing matters than finding Luke Skywalker."

The mother and daughter walked back into the room. Alona stood much taller than her mother.

Kinsley was the first to speak up. "Is everything alright?" All the heads turned.

"Yeah, everything is all good," Alona said. 

"General Organ, I have a question. Is the Resistance equipped with the supplies it takes to take care of a baby?" Covi asked. He had a worried look on his face when Leia had wide eyes. The Resistance had never thought of someone having a child at the base, so they had nothing for supplies. They would have to improvise greatly.

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