Chapter 14: Leaving Gurell

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I can only give a sad smile to the little girl. I cannot take her away from her family. They were so happy together, and could never forgive myself if I broke them apart.

"Well," Poe broke my thoughts by clapping his hands together, "we should get back to the Resistance base. Let's pack up and get out of here "

Poe helped Treva packed her and her family's belongings while I helped Kinsley and Covi get the food we had left, and that wasn't much. We headed for the transport ship and took off. The ship doesn't have a lot wepons, so we had to hope we wouldn't run into any trouble on the way.

I soon felt a weird presence on the planet. Someone was looking for Treva and I. "Oh, no," I muttered under my breath.

I got done helping Covi and Kinsley, so I went outside. I looked around and I saw something I thought I wouldn't see on a peaceful planet.....

A lot more First Order Star Destroyers. Over the nearest town to the north. I ran back down, "We need to get out of here! Now!"

"What? Why?" Covi asks me.

Treva looked up at me with fear in her eyes, "Is he here?"

"Is who here?" Kinsley asked worried.

"We have to leave," Poe said knowing who we were talking about. "He'll imprison us all if we don't get out of here."

"Who are you talking about?" Kinsley asked again.

"Kylo Ren," I say. "Poe isn't joking. If Ren wants, he will kill us all. If we try to sneak out we'll only get caught. And if we aren't dead yet, we will be then. Artie, Bee-Bee-eight, get to the ship and get her running. I will stay here and ward them off. Go!"

They all nodded and headed to the ship. I stayed behind to see if the First Order was coming to the small home. They were, but not quickly.

I ran back down and I was able to catch up with them as they set their belongings on the ships floor. "They're coming, we have to hurry."

We made it to the small transport and we could hear TIE Fighters blasting the ground above us. The blasts were shaking the bunker. Dirt was coming out of the walls and dust flew up. Poe took the pilot's seat.

"Once we get above ground, either we wait until we get out of the atmosphere, or we jump to lightspeed on the surface. If we take the atmosphere, we just have to hope we don't die before we get there," Poe said. "Make up your minds quickly."

"I say we take the second choice," Treva said.

"I agree," Covi says. All of us nod.

"Is it even possible to not get hit on our way out of the hanger? And is it even possible to do this?" Covi asked.

"Never ask me that," Poe said.

"I thought you were the best pilot in the Resistance?"

"You're not helping me at the moment, Alona. Strap yourselves in, this isn't going to be a smooth flight out of here."

The family of three got to they're seats and held on for dear life. Treva hugging her parents like she was never going to see them again.

He lifted the ship out of the hanger and into the laser filled atmosphere. Unfortunately for us, a laser hit the cannon on the top of the transport ship. "There goes our weapons," I say as Poe became incredibly calm.

"This would be so much better if my squadron was here to shoot the fighters down," Poe comments.

"Don't try communicating with the base. The First Order would track the transmission back to the base." I look for a button that sould put up the shields. "Why doesn't this thing have shields?"

"Who knows?" Poe asks. "Setting a course for the Yavin System."

"Less talk, more getting us out of here!" Covi says to us.

"We aren't going to get out of here without protection," I say. I make a quick decision, "I'll protect this thing myself."

"How are you going to do that?" He asked turning his head to me.

"Just keep flying," I reply as a laser hits something close to the engine. "What was that?"

"Its just a scratch."

Reaching my hand out slightly, I closed my eyes. I felt through  Force where the fighters were. I was going to burn one of the TIE fighter's engines. It was the only open path we could take.

"Alona, hurry!"

"I am."

I did so, only taking a matter of thirty seconds, making a small opening for us to escape. The fighter blew up infront of the ship. The explosion making Treva shriek and her parents flinch. They had never been in a battle before.

"Go now!" I yell. Poe slowly pushed a lever forward and the blue and white streaks of lightspeed came up.

I felt a sense of relief in all of us. We cheered and laughed. "Nice flying, Pilot!"

"I didn't know you could do that."

"Good job, you two," Covi say putting a hand on our shoulders.

I smile. I was glad that was over. "I'm going to do a quick scan of the ship, we need to make sure they aren't tracking us."

I made a quick scan to be sure we were clear of  trackers. "We are clear," I said with a thankful sigh.

"We will be to the system soon."

Once we got to the Yavin system, Treva stared out of the front window. She had never seen any other planets in her ten years of life. "It's so pretty!" She said in awe. "I've never seen anything so big!"

All of us smile at her curiousness. We descend into tbe atmosphere and BB-8 unplugs himself from the outlit he's in. The two of us exit and head to the X-Wings. The ship lifts the round droid up and all three ships ascend and head home to D'Qar.


This is not how I wanted this chapter to go. Originally, Kinsley was supposed to die, but nope! She's still alive.

I hope you are enjoying the book. I hope that it isn't moving too fast, it feels like it is.


Freak Fan

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