Chapter 18: Lothal

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Alona nodded her head on her way back up to the front of the transport. Pressing a button and turning a knob, the engines roared. She took off out of the atmosphere, and into the dark of space, set the coordinates to Lothal and jumped into lightspeed. The trip there should only take a few hours.

Once she was asleep in the ship, it seemed like it didn't take long to get to the Lothal system. A landing service in Lothal's Capital City had already bee contacted. Alona had credits put aside for unseen things. She bought some land from a local farmer. That would be the new home of the Warren family. It's a job where people can lay low.


Once she got to the property the next morning, the payment was final and the land was Alona's. There was one main house, a small guest cabin, landing pad, a barn for seeds, harvesters and harvested crops. There was also a small speeder that came free with the farm and land.

The farmer had wanted his son to work the family business after his wife had died, but the son refused. It didn't matter to Alona, as long as the farmer was happy moving to a different part of the planet. His life's work wore him out. He also said that his tented area for the food marks was mine as well. That way, she could sell the unneeded crops, and buy the products needed for the farm.

The first night was uncomfortable, but it soon grew to be a pleasurable home. Sleep became  peacefully, the only noise was the wind as the Loth Cats roamed. The property was located near rocky terrain with mountains. The property was ten clicks from Capitol City. The glimmering city could be seen from the home. It truly was beautiful, just as Leia had said it would be.

The next morning, I woke up had one of the fruits I had packed, and went outside. I was pretty isolated, at least ten miles from the nearest town, Capital City.

I could see Loth Cats chasing each other playfully. It reminds ne of the games that Ben and I used to play as children. All the fun memories flowed through my mind.

"Alona, come on! Try and tag me!" Ben says.

"I am! Slow down, Ben!" I yell. "I can't keep up. You're too fast!"

"Keep going, you'll get it!"

I fall over an old stump. Bruising and scrapping my knee, I barely even cry.

"Are you okay, little sis?" Ben asks with concern. "I'll get uncle Luke."

"No, I'm fine. Really I am!" I say positively. "I'll be okay!"

"You sure?"


We went back to the game. I eventually caught up to my brother, him making a bad move running to a corner.

After we were done playing, we found Luke getting done talking to some of the students. He walked over to us with a smile upon his face.

"You two are growing up too fast! And you're getting too heavy for me to carry both of you at the same time," Luke said picking both of us up. Ben and I only laugh. Luke was still barely growing out his beard.

Ben and I were only seven at the time.

We were so little! It almost hurt to think back to the days at the Jedi academy. Before it all happened. The destruction. The chaos. The beginning of Kylo Ren. The beginning of Luke's depression. The end of the Jedi. The end of so many lives. The end of brothers and sisters.

The reason I am here now.

As I snap back to reality, I notice the grass is not a green color. But rather a dark greyish yellow. Good cover for Loth Wolves, white or black fur, beautiful creatures. The Loth Cats, not so much cover, but enough from the people hunting them. They are very playful little things

One of the Loth Cats hopped out of the tall grass. Looking rather mean and defensive, than kind and calm. I raise an eyebrow curiously at the small thing. I sit on my knees, holding a hand out, seeing if it would walk over to me. It just stood there.

I remember what I was taught, reaching out to the creature, I close my eyes and consentrate on seeing what was inside it's brain. Not a full mind trick, only taming it to the slightest level.

I open my eyes to feel it rubbing it's head against my leg. was very surprised that it worked.I am a bit startled by it's behavior, seeing that I have never tried doing this before. I caress the small creature's head, not completely knowing what to do.

"You're a cute little thing, aren't you?" I say to the creature. It purrs in response; I don't know what it's meaning, but by the way it's acting, I say it means 'yes'!

The small creature kept purring and jumped onto my lap. I might as well take care of it, I don't see any other Loth Cats around. I stood up and walked to the house, the cat following.

"What name should I give you?" I ask the cat. It made a small 'Meow' sound, then it hit me... Meeka! "Does Meeka seem okay to you?" It makes the sound again. I don't know if it was meant to say 'Yes' or 'No', so I just went with yes.

I open the door, seeing the walls are really discolored. Almost being broken by the water damage, the ceiling and walls took a dirty brown color. I know that the credits I have left won't be enough to pay for the fix, so I have to leave it until I can get some credits from selling crops.

It was the only way to fix it. I don't think that the Force can do all of that?

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