Chapter 26: The L.A.B. Part 2

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"Commander Jerdo, Commander Dameron, can you here me? This is Commander Solo. Can anybody here me? I have lost contact with Green and Brown Squadrons. I repeat, I have lost contact with the other two teams."

"Commander, what if they can't hear us?" One of the crew said. "We don't know where they are."

The commander got straight to the point. "Let's reconnect our lines to each other. We're all going to go back to the ships together. If we get separated, we can contact eachother and we'll know what to do. Got it?"

Nods came from Alona's team and they put the helmets upon their heads once more. Alona found it quite easy to breathe in the helmets. But it wasn't the fresh air that everyone wanted. The helmets were very uncomfortable to wear and caused a lot of itchy feelings up on their crowns. But it was all part of the mission.

It was all for the Resistance.

It might have taken the crew a solid fifteen minutes to finally get to the hangar. One of the ships was gone. The other two still standing where they were landed.

The crew on the ships stayed inside. They feared that the team comming into the hangar was the actual First Order. The team went onto the empty ship and contacted the one next to it.

"It's just us. Are we ready to head back?" Alona said through the speakers.

"Commander, you haven't seen what is going on outside have you?" One of the people on the other ship asked. He was quite concerned. His voice said it all.

"What's going on?"

"The fighter squadrons are here and attacking the base. If we want to get out of here, we have to make sure that they know it's us. Commander Jerdo and Dameron are out flying with their squadrons. If they don't know it's us, we'll get shot out of the sky. We've already tried to make contact with them the line was fuzzy. Jerdo said that they'd watch for us and make sure nobody shot us."

"Then we need to go. Now."

"Commander, a Resistance cruiser is in the next system over. We need a clear shot to get there."

"We're going to get one. We'll make sure that they know it's us. I'll contact the other leaders and the Resistance cruiser. Stay on our tail."

"Alright, Commander Solo, we will see you up there."

Alona switched the lines so that the other commanders could hear her. With a few buttons to push on the dashboard, she was able to communicate with the commanding pilots.

"Commander Dameron and Commander Jerdo, can you hear me? This is Commander Alona Solo. Do you read?"

"Loud and clear, Commander Solo," Jerdo shouted through the comms. "It's good to know you're alive!"

"Glad you could join the party. 'Bout time you got here," Poe said over the comms.

"Well, I was a little occupied. Can you clear a hole for us?"

"Yep, we're on it. A cruiser is waiting for you guys in the next system. See you back at the base," Poe said. The line was cut and he didn't speak again until he said that there was a clear path.

"Well, you heard the pilot. Let's go." Alona said.

The identical ships left the First Order hangar bay and flew up into the atmosphere. "Ready to watch this place burn? Let's light her up."

The button on the charge clicked with the press of Alona's thumb and bright red and orange flew up from three corners of the base.

"Beautiful. Nice work ground teams. Go get some rest," Jerdo said. "You guys deserve it."

Alona: Daughter Of Heroes Book 2Where stories live. Discover now