Ch. 17: Raul's Letter and Sad News

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Back in the village, your younger brother Raul is twenty four years old and living on his own. He had terrible news to give to you. About your mother. She passed away this day and Raul's about to send you an immediate letter to let you know, so he's writing his letter now.

He sighs and says, "Poor mother. She was struggling a lot. My sister must know. Her, Vincent, Victor and Aisha." He starts writing his letter and he sighs. He says, "It's hard to believe. Her and father both have left." He continues writing the letter the rest of the time.

Meanwhile, back in the oasis at the palace. You and Aisha are in her room, studying. Well, you're teaching her. You have a book in your hand and you say, "So Snow White went into the woods to hide from whom?" Aisha says, "Her evil stepmother. The queen." You smile and you say, "Very good, darling."

You read it and you say, "The seven little men came back to their house. As they went inside, they've noticed that their place was spotless. Someone has been there. Whom could it be?" She says, "Snow White." You say, "Very good." You continue teaching her.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. You say, "Who is it?!" The door opens and there stands Gayle. She says, "Your highness. You've received a letter from the village. From your brother." You stand up and you say, "I'll be back, Aisha. Keep reading your book." She says, "Yes mother." You walk out of the room.

Gayle hands you the envelope and you say, "Thank you Gayle. I'll be right back." She nods. You walk off and you head to your room. You shut the door. You sit at the table and you open the envelope. You get out the letter and you unfold it to read it.

It reads, "Dearest sister, it is Raul. I've come to bear some terrible news to you. This morning, our mother has passed away..." You gasp in sadness. You read it and it reads, "I'm very sorry to tell you this. I will need you to let your children know that their grandmother is deceased. I'm going to bury mother in a couple of days. I'm very sorry, (Y/N)."

You sigh and tears go down your face. You put the letter down and you put your hands up to your face. You start sobbing. You say, "My god... poor mother." You hear the door opening and Vincent comes in. He slithers over to you and says, "My queen. Whatever is wrong?" You say, "Oh Vincent." You face him and you hug him.

He holds you close and says, "Darling. Tell me. What happened?" You say, "Vincent. My younger brother sent me a letter. My... my mother. She's dead!" You sob. He says, "Oh, darling. I'm very sorry. Come on. We have to let the children know." You sigh and you stand up. You say, "My god. My poor mother."

You and Vincent walk out. You yell, "Victor! Aisha!" Aisha walks out of her room. Victor comes upstairs. He asks, "Mother. What's wrong?" You sigh and you say, "Children. Come over here. I've got terrible news. Your uncle Raul has sent me a recent letter."

They walk over. You sigh and you say, "Kids... your grandmother. My mother... died this morning." They gasp. Victor says, "My god. Poor grandmother." Aisha says, "Daniella and now her?!"

Tears go down her face. You hug them and you say, "I'm so sorry kids. I'm sorry you won't be able to see her again." They hug you back. Vincent says, "Come on my wife and children. We must go downstairs to let the others know." You all head downstairs.

You, Vincent, the kids and the wives are all sitting in the throne room. You say, "Fellow wives. I bare terrible news to you all." Chrysanthemum says, "What happened, your highness?" You say, "I've received a letter from my brother Raul. My mother... has died." They all gasp. Gayle sighs and says, "I know what that's like. Mine died in front of me when I was eight years old. Reason for my attitude."

You say, "I'm very sorry Gayle. It is a painful thing to go through." She nods. You say, "Fellow wives. Let us all go outside. Make a little memorial. A remembrance to my mother of two children. Three grandchildren." Raul and his wife Giselle have a three year old daughter. Your niece Oriana (L/N). You stand up. So do the kids, Vincent and the wives. You all head outside.

Moments later, you're all around the pool with lit candles. You say, "My mother was a wonderful woman. Despite not being able to get around very much for as long as I have known her... she was a wonderful mother whom I will never forget. She was good to me and Raul after our father passed three years before she did. And now... she is gone with him."

You all bow your heads. Aisha hugs you and you hold her close. Vincent says, "My wives. Let us light the lanterns. In memory of (Y/N)'s mother. Victor and Aisha's grandmother... Edna (L/N)." You, the children, Vincent and the wives all light lanterns. You all hold them up and they go flying up into the air.

From the dark castle, Mike looks out to see some red lights floating like lightning bugs. He raises a brow and says, "Huh... wonder where those are from." He gets up and he looks out the window. He realizes that they're lit lanterns and they're coming from the oasis. He smirks. He says, "Ah... a ceremonial thing... or a death that happened." He chuckles.

He turns around and walks to his bed. He then thinks of something and he gasps. He runs to the window and he says, "That better not be the daughter! My future bride. My dearest Aisha. Apple of my eye. Oh god." He holds his hand by his heart and clinches his fist. He says, "I'm checking tonight to make sure she is still here."

He walks away from the window and he paces back and fourth. He says, "No... forget tonight. I'm checking now. The very female I long for that I'm waiting for in a few years. I need to make sure it is in fact, not her memorial." He gets back to the window and he gets up on it. He flies out.

Back at the palace, you and everyone else go inside. Aisha had decided to stay outside for a swim and you told her to be inside by sunset. So now, she's by herself. She's sitting by the waterfall messing with her locks and humming.

She's unaware that a certain gargoyle is over there right now. He peeks over and he sighs and smiles as he sees her. He whispers, "Good. She's alive. My dearest Aisha. Most beautiful thing in the world. You are mine, my princess. I shall claim you as my own on your eighteenth birthday. I love you. I will have you."

He grips the rock and harshly whispers, "And dammit, you will be mine. I will claim every inch of you by the time you are of age. Nobody will have you but me. It's driving me crazy thinking about it." He watches her the entire time until she gets up and walks inside the palace. Then he flies back to his castle.

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