Chapter fourteen.

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Chapter fourteen.


I jerked awake, suddenly. My eyes searched the room, settling on a girl in the corner whom had fallen over a water bottle that had been left on the floor near her bed. Another one of the girls came in and helped her up and into bed, making sure that she was okay but the girl that had fallen down was laughing it off, making some joke about how she'd have more purple bruises now.

I watched them both joke and laugh around, being joined by another girl who took the last spare bed in our bay. They all seemed to get along really well together and I just, well, I just felt out of place, really. I looked to my side but Noah was no longer there. I felt awkward and alone, so I turned over as best as I could and closed my eyes, wishing that I was home.

Going back to sleep didn't happen, though. The girls were too noisy and I wasn't really tired after sleeping most of the day and night yesterday. I pulled out my phone from under my pillow and switched it on. It blew up with notifications. I decided to check Facebook first, and so I pressed the app and then I clicked on my profile and scrolled down.

'Get better soon Abby x x'

'You'll get through this, you're a fighter!!'

'Hope you're okay x'

And so on. I pressed 'like' on the majority of the status' and then checked my mail. They were similar to my wall posts, except the one from Ashton. I wanted to ignore him but curiosity got the better of me. I tapped the message.

'Abigail Walker, what were you thinking?! You were supposed to be resting not spying on me! Why did you think that you wouldn't get caught?! And you put yourself in danger! I'm so annoyed, it's not even funny. Now you're going to go and jump to all sorts of conclusions without letting me explain (not that I should have to, you shouldn't have followed me!) I'd come and see you but there's not any point because you're not going to give me the time of day and I am quite irritated by what you did. Why didn't you believe me in the first place? Best friends don't doubt each other :( I love you but seriously, you're stupid. Look where it got you - in hospital! :('

I groaned to myself, realising that not only did I put myself back in hospital quicker them I would have been, but I also violated his privacy and doubted our friendship. Yes, I felt bad that I didn't believe him (and still don't) but I don't see why he would lie to me like that. And, if I started speaking to him, he'd just try and make some excuse so he didn't lose me again. I wasn't ready to be lied to again so I ignored the message and moved on to check my missed calls and texts, but they were pretty similar to the Facebook messages and the calls were mainly my family.

I tucked my phone back under my pillow and stared at the ceiling. "Hey!" I looked over at the girl standing in front of my bed. "I'm Amy, who are you?"


"Oh my god!" She flailed her arms around. "Abby as in, the one I Facebook message, Abby?"

"Yes!" I cried, realising that this was the girl that I had been spending the majority of my time talking to and sharing stories with. "I thought you were at the other hospital!"

"I was," she explained, "but they thought it would be better for me if I was put with other people so that I wasn't lonely. I thought that you were supposed to be there, too!"

"They moved me yesterday. My brother wanted me here and so did my parents, so that when they weren't able to make it, I still wouldn't be alone. And, also because I didn't really see the point in carrying on with chemo so we made a deal - if I came here and liked it, I'd get chemotherapy again," I told her, sitting up a bit.

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