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Vampires. People who were supposed to live for eternity. The literal undead. A man or woman who sucks blood to live each night.

There were three kinds of vampires. The Good, the ones who watch and protect the mortals that they once were. The evil, who pray and kill as many mortals as they can. Then there is the lonely and longing.

A year ago I would have said there was a fourth. The ones who just get by, the ones trying to be normal. Trying to fit in.

That was me and my twin last year. We did everything like we were never turned. The only thing was that we got a blood supplied from the 'good' vampires. He and I were fraternal but he was the other half of me.

We were born in the mid 1500's. We were together when we were attacked and turned. Our parents didn't survive, and they left their growing empire to Paul. He was the son, the eldest as well. And while we pretended to grow old, have children... but yet, we never got married, we kept the factory, and later factories in the family. We made clothes. First cotton dresses, then pants, and ties and other things for dressing up. Top hats, shoes, gloves.

I was the main designer. Paul just handled the money and the people who worked for us. Which is why, he was now dead.

He was working late one night, and a slayer, some righteous vampire hunter, killed him. He was alone, fixing the books, and I was making us dinner. I waited 3 hours, knowing that he could take that long when we had a busy or bad week. But half an hour later I knew something was wrong.

So, I went to his office building. I used the key card and walked to his private elevator and took it all the way up. I got to his office, saw it in a wreak and there were ashes and blood on the floor. I saw a note, not in his handwriting for sure, and it said that I was next.

I went on the run. I hid around town until I could find someone who could take care of business. I took time in town to scrounge up contacts, and money before leaving to the big city. I knew staying out of it would make it easy for the slayer to find me, but being in a big city like New York... it gave me a chance to hide for as long as I was paying in cash.

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