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When we got to his club I got to go upstairs and change into something suitable for the club. I chose a pair of jean shorts, a tank top, and some ankle boots since that is what most of the females downstairs were wearing when we walked through.

Zander had people on and off the land line and talking to me in-between asking me that when people stared to arrive he would need some privacy for his club matters and I understood and just waited.

"What else are we going to do here?" I asked him when he seemed done and he looked over at me.

"We're out of here by tomorrow night. Have tonight to tell my people here about what's going. Get some people to start following us so they could follow the people tracking us." He said and I took a moment.

"So you're going to have people following us but only after we are sure that we are being followed?" I asked and he nodded. "How are we going to do that? You didn't even know that we were being followed earlier, and we were hit hard." I said and he moved to sit down.

"Because now I am alert that they can follow us through states. I didn't want to say anything when we were there, I hadn't thought it through, but more than likely the Hunters do have a witch with them. They must have something to track us. Which means we left something valuable behind-"

"Probably me." I cut him off and nodded.

"Most likely. I don't have many valuables outside of my real home and  I keep anything of sentimental value in a hidden safe." He sounded paranoid, but then if I had been running and hiding for as long has he has I would probably do the same thing. I should take mental notes.

"What do you mean by real home?"

"Where I would live if everything in my business when smoothly." He said it like it was explanatory and I nodded.

"But where is it?"

"Texas." He said and I worked my jaw. For an English born I would have never thought he would choose hot Texas to live.


"Do you not have a solid place to live?"

"I have lived in many countries. England. France. Italy. Canada. Mexico. United states." I said with a shrug. "When my brother was still alive we traveled a lot. My favorite place was Mexico." I said and he nodded shortly before he really looked at me. "What?"

"Nothing... how long ago did your brother die if you don't mind me asking." He added and I licked my lips.

"Almost 3 years ago." I lied but I kept my eyes down to my hands as I fiddled.

"Wow, Vivi, I'm sorry." he told me and moved to stand up. He made a move towards me but then the phone started to ring and I looked up. He looked conflicted before he closed his eyes, turned and went to answer the phone.

Four people eventually arrived, none of them talking to me, and Zander didn't bother to introduce me so I was just sitting there like a bimbo picking my nails free of the dirt that got stuck under there when we crashed.

"Thank you Vivian." Zander called out and I looked up and around and realized that was my que to leave. I smiled and got up and felt so disrespected by being dismissed with a thank you. I slammed the door on my way down and I trotted down.

I wandered around the downstairs part of the club, noting how many humans there were in this club. It was mostly half and half. But it was weird to see a human look at me and smirk before trying to flirt. The last club people were with friends and having a good time. This one was like everyone wanted to take me upstairs and make me cum.

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