Hewwo there my hoes.

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Aww, my little homo ray of fucking sunshine. So gay for G- Zacky Vengeance I mean.

Yeah, this is a new story hoes.

(BTW, when I say hoes, I don't mean it meanly)

This is about adorable fluffy dog lover that is Frank Iero and the sexy beast that is Zacky Vengeance.

Yas, finally I have decided, after about 5 days, to finally fucking do this. I've been talking to my friend MC and my other friend Daisy about this about they loved the idea.

I think MC ships it now.

Jk, bitch you better ship it and Frerard.

Yes, don't worry, I'm still Frerard trash 5ever (#FrerardTrash5Ever) and I am also #FrackyTrash5Ever as well so chill yo tits woman! And men and my non binary beasties out there.

"If you're transgender, know that I fully support you." -- Gerard Way.

I cried at that by the way ^^ ya, I know, big softie whatever blah blah nobody cares.

Well, honey, I do.

Anyway, please fucking enjoy this story.

Bai ma hoes stay cool stay rare :3 and suck dick all you want

----K XØ.

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