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Peggy curled her dark brown hair into beautiful and perfect curls, and did a half up half down style in her hair. She applied eyeshadow with golden glitter on her lids, liner, mascara, filled in her eyebrows, and did her foundation and contour.

By the time Peggy was putting the 'baking powder' on her face, the party had already stared.

But that's how Schuyler events went. Catherine and Phillip would be downstairs greeting guest into their Ball Room, and after, their two sons Phillip and John would take their beautiful sisters downstairs. Phillip would take Eliza, John would take Peggy, and their father would take Angelica.

Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy were treated as royalty. They were real life Disney Princesses. They had the looks, money, and gracefulness of princesses. And they all knew it.

It was 7:45, and the party had begun at 7 o' clock. All the sisters were in dressed and heels with makeup and hair done, looking flawless. Phillip, John, and their father came to their door and escorted them out. First Angelica and their father, then Eliza and Phillip, followed by John and Peggy.

They walked through the hallways and came to the balcony that hung over the ball room. Everyone watched the Schuyler Sisters enter, looking stunning. They all were taken downstairs, introduced by their father, and greeted by guests.

Thirty minutes into the party, three men approached the sisters and their father. One man had dark skin and black hair tied in a ponytail, one was a white man with short black hair, and the other- was John.

John and Peggy made eye contact, before she stared at the ground. She watched the dark skinned man shake hands with her father and begin talking to him in French- Peggy understood every word.

"So good to see you again, Gilbert." Phillip said in English.
"As for you, sir," 'Gilbert' replied. "Care to introduce me to the stunning belle femmes in front of me?"

Peggy watched Angelica and Eliza blush, she just rolled her eyes.

"Of course. This is my eldest daughter Angelica, my middle Elizabeth, and my youngest- Peggy. Girls, this is Gilbert Lafayette. His father worked in the military with me all those years ago," Phillip introduced.

Gilbert shook and kissed all the girls hands, causing them to blush. Even Peggy- even though she didn't want to.

"Mr. Schuyler, you know Alexander Hamilton," Gilbert said as Alexander shook their fathers hand.
"Good to see you again, sir," Alexander greeted.
"You look great," Phillip said as their hands let go. Then, he got a look at John. "I don't think I have the pleasure of meeting you."
"My apologizes, sir," John said as he extended his hand, Phillip shook it. "John Laurens."
"Laurens, huh? As in Henry Laurens?" Phillip asked as he let his hand go.
"Yes sir," John answered.
"Ah," Phillip replied. "Well, Alex, John, these are my daughters Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy."

Alex shook all the girls hands, so did John. But John kissed Peggy's hand and made clear eye contact. "We've met."
"Well, I hope to see you gentlemen around," Phillip said, the men nodded, and walked off.

Phillip walked off in the other direction to find Catherine, and the girls huddled in their circle.

"Did you see the way he looked at me? His eyes- Look at those eyes," Eliza sighed happily.
"He seems like a real catch, Liz," Angelica smiled. "Who was that kid, Peggy? Never seen him."
"Just some kid that works at the mall. He scanned my shit. Think he likes me or something," Peggy replied while rolling her eyes.
"Ugh," Eliza commented. "Stay away from poor boys. They only want the Schuyler money."
"Word!" Angelica agreed, all the girls laughed.

An hour later, Phillip Schuyler stood up on a chair and clinked his fork against his wine glass, bringing all attention towards him. Everyone shushed as the music died down.

"Thank you everyone for attending our Winters Ball. As tradition, my beautiful wife and I will be taking the dance floor in just a minute. We encourage all men to grab your girlfriend or wife and take them to the dance floor too!" Phillip announced, then him and Catherine walked over to the sisters.

A minute passed, and Alexander Hamilton popped out from the crowd, followed by Gilbert and John behind him. Alexander cleaned himself off and cleared his throat, making Phillip look at him.

"Sir, I would like to request a dance with your beautiful daughter Elizabeth for the traditional dance?" Alexander asked, his voice cracking. Eliza's face lit up.
"That shouldn't be a problem," Phillip said.
Alexander held out his arm for Eliza, to which she grabbed on, and he took her out to the dance door.
"Also, sir, I would like to request for a dance with your eldest daughter Angelica?" Gilbert asked, Phillip nodded his head and looked at Angelica.
"Lead the way, Gilbert," Angelica said as he took her hand and kissed it.
"Please. Call me Laf." And with that, they followed Eliza and Alexander into the dance floor.
"And, also- sir, I am requesting to dance with your most unique daughter- Peggy?" John asked.
Phillip looked at Peggy, then back at him.
"Ill see you kids on the dance floor," he smiled, then he walked off to Catherine.
Peggy crossed her arms. "Don't expect because my dad said yes that I will too."
"C'mon, Peggy. I'm sure you don't want to be left behind while your sisters are having a blast on the dance floor," John smirked.
He's right. Peggy thought.
"Can you even dance?" Peggy asked as she slowly extended her hand.
John gently took it and pulled her closer to him. "You wanna find out?"

Rich Girl (Jeggy/Hamilton Modern AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora