The Alpha's Bloodline

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I felt his heavy hand across my face for the second time and I held back the tears. Today was supposed to be a happy day; I was finally sixteen. For most teenagers, they would have been looking forward to a party, a new car or just having fun with their friends. 

   For me, the only thing I was happy about was the fact that my dad had slapped me instead of punching me or kicking me. I may have healed fast, but that did not make me immune to pain. 

“Get up! Get up and face me!” my dad yelled. His hot breath pressed against my neck and made me uncomfortable; but I knew better than to flinch.

  I stood slowly and turned to face him. He had the same black hair and blue eyes as me which made the abuse even worse. If we didn’t look so much alike, I would have thought maybe he wasn’t my dad. But the evidence was staring at me all the time, even in my sleep.

   “What did you just say? What were you saying about Rogues?” he bellowed as he held me by my shirt collar.

    I hung my head. “Nothing, sir.” I lied.

    He glared at me. “Don’t lie to me you worthless piece of crap! Tell me what you said or I swear that I will kill you.”

    I glanced up at him and willed him to kill me. Anything would have been better than facing this suffering day in day out. He looked about ready to really kill me when my mother walked into the room.

   “Stephen, leave Emily alone. It is her birthday after all. Spare her this one day, please.” She pleaded.

   My dad glared at her but finally let go of me. He roughly pushed me to the side and stormed out of the room. I looked at him and then at my mother and stormed into my room down the hall.

   Once inside, I locked the door and packed all of my belongings into a bag. I had planned on running away a long time ago; but this, was the final straw. I couldn’t take it anymore.

   I often wondered why my parents went Rogue and why they didn’t stay with their old pack. Just because I had made a stupid comment about Rogues being dumb, stupid and worthless, my dad went bonkers and took out his anger on me as usual.

   Later that night, when my parents had gone to the movies- which was their annual Friday night ritual- I ran off. I grabbed my bag, all of my dad’s cash, which amounted to a few thousand dollars and hopped a cab on the freeway.

   Once I was in town, I took a train to another town miles away and prayed they had not noticed my disappearance. 

    All I wanted was to find my mate. If I found him, he would have to accept me and love me- the way no one else had my entire life. If I found my mate I would never, ever hurt again.

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