Chapter 18

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    "Emily. Emily, please open up. Come on, at least let me explain." he pleaded from the other side of the door.

   I scoffed. "There shouldn't be anything to explain. That's not something you have to think about."

  "Yes it --" he cut himself  off but not before I heard him.

  I marched towards the door and yanked it open. "Oh my God. I cannot believe you."

  He looked at me pleadingly. "Emily, please. You don't understand--"

  "There isn't anything to understand! Why do you even have to think about something like that?! Do you not love me?"

   "How could you even think that?" He narrowed his eyes at me. "Don't guilt-trip me, Emily."

    I stared at him, eyes practically falling out of their sockets. "Me? I'm guilt-tripping you? If you 'love' me so much then you're supposed to know what to choose, or who!  Because you're the same guy who said that I didn't love him and now you're being an a*s about nothing."

   "It's not that... simple, love. I-I'm the Alpha and I have a responsinility--" He was trying to explain, but if I had to make a choice like that I wouldn't even think twice about it, because I'd choose him.

    I slammed the door in his face. "At least I know where I stand with you." I whispered as the tears started to roll down my cheeks.


    I fell asleep not too long after that; and one of the creepiest dreams I have ever had. I was standing in a weirdly familiar room. It was open and spacy, facing a set of fancy sliding glass doors that over looked a backyard with an old underused, colourful swing set.

   The room was filled with a ton of antique furniture. An ornate Persian rug was in the middle of four white leather single chairs with intricate gold patterns along the sides. A gold leaf coffee table sat in the middle of the rug, with a jug of iced tea on a tray. I suddenly felt thirsty and reached out for the jug before I heard a voice behind me.

  That isn't very wise Ms. DesVignes. I have a great deal to speak with you about.

  I spun around and to my surprise, no one was there. Ms. DesVignes? Who was that?

  My thoughts echoed loudly in the room and I gasped. I turned back around and in front of me wasn't a person. But more like a thing. A purple lady. That's right. A. Purple. Lady. Well, she was mostly mist, or fog. She hovered in the air and levitated- her feet never touhcing the ground. My jaw dropped open. And I stared at her... IT in shock.

  What the hell are you?

  She looked at me, with a sad smile in her eyes. That's not important right now, but I'm here to help you with your problem.


   She nodded and gave me a knowing look. 


    She smiled, and motioned for me to sit on the chair closest to her... image. Well, that's what I think she did. So, I sat just in case. I was not seated a good minute before she started to speaking. 

   He loves you. Very much. And there isn't anything he wouldn't do for you, but you're making him choose between two of the things in his life that he cares about the most. He loves you but being Alpha is more important than you think for Christian.

  I looked at this crazy woman. Who was seemingly invading my dream, yet at the same time it seemed so real... She seemed familiar; I knew her from somewhere but I could not put a finger on it. So, should I listen to her? Or ignore this 'warning' altogether?

  I sighed. So, just back down and let him get what he wants? I'm not second place.

  Of course not, Jonah. You are more important than you even know.

  My name is Emily not Jonah. And I am also not ' Ms. DesVignes. I stared at this woman strangely and as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I suddenly felt thirsty once more. The words felt weird coming out of my mouth although I didn't know why. There was a fire burning in my throat and I stared at that iced tea longingly. I wanted to take it, I tried to reach for it but I couldn't and the burning just intensified. It wasn't annoying any more... it was unbareable!

   You only think that's who you are but... some marks aren't what they seem.

   I widened my eyes. Marks? What marks?

   There was a loud booming sound from somewhere and the figure looked startled and glanced around nervously.

  I don't have much time so listen very, very carefully. He may seem like he's being unreasonable but your stubborn just like your mother. You even look like her. But, that mark isn't what it seems and there are a lot of things that you don't know but you will in time. So, do what he wants. It's the only way. The only way to put Our Family back together.

  With those words, the purple fog was gone and I woke up in bed alone, heart racing, drenched ins sweat and to say the least; very, very confused.


   The next morning, I made my way downstairs towards the kitchen and to the smells and sights of bacon, eggs, pancakes, fresh fruit, O.J and coffee. Christian sat at a stool in the kitchen, staring at a plate of that delicious food and looking very distraught.

   Making my way quietly toward him; I wrapped my arms around his  waist and leaned against him. To say he was surprised was an understatement. He immediately went rigid, but slackened and turned toward me and roughly pulled me into his arms. Placing, soft, urgent kisses on my head and in my hair.

  "Emily," he began...

  "No," I held up my hand, "let me say something. I'm sorry, so very sorry. For questioning your love and being a brat and putting you through that crap. It means that much to you. And if it means that much to you then... it means a lot to me."

  His eyes lit up like a five year old who got what they wanted for Christmas as he stared at me. "Really?"

   I nodded and smiled at him. 

   He let out a huge sigh. "Good... because there's something you should know. And, I don't know if you will like it..."


A/N: I uploaded! There might not be any for a while since school is starting up and I won't be having internet for a bit :(

Oh well... things are definitely heating up now! Tell me what you thought please!!! Leave me tons of comments on what you thought about it.

Goal- 12 votes and 5 comments :)

                                                                                             -XOXO <3

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