Chapter 3

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This chapter is pretty short, but I hope you like it all the same. And remember, leave lots of comments(I would really appreciate it)

“Who does that?” I asked Christian.

 “Does what?” he said as he drove away and McDonald’s was far behind us.

 “Who asks someone to meet their parents the first time they meet? Especially when, that same person got mad because they told them their family tree would fall through the cracks because of that same someone. I mean, really? You may have been understanding but I doubt your parents will be. Particularly your mom. I don’t want to be the one to explain to her that she’s not going to get ‘good-blooded’ grandkids.”

  He rolled his eyes (which was so adorable by the way). “Look, I don’t care what my parents think of you. My opinion of you is what matters and if they don’t like it then so what.”

   “So what? Don’t you think that it would be awkward living with two people that hate me?”

   “It’s not going to be awkward because I don’t live with my parents and they won’t hate you. They might be… unsettled at first, but they will come around, okay?”

   The way he looked right now, made me realise that there was no arguing with him. I shook my head but kept my opinions to myself. “I need new clothes by the way. I kinda threw up on most of the ones I had before.” I told him.

   “Tonight, you can borrow some stuff from Maia. Tomorrow, you can go shopping, okay?”

   “Sure.” I said, “I’m not sure how much money I have left over, though.”

   I reached to grab the small knapsack I had since the day I left my parents. I counted the money- I had just over fifteen hundred dollars. Half of it was gone; I was lucky I had found Christian when I did. Otherwise, I would have been eating out of dumpsters in a couple of weeks.  

    “You don’t need to spend your own money.” He said suddenly.

    “Huh? What else am I supposed to do, rob a bank?” I said sarcastically.

   “When I said you could go shopping tomorrow, I meant you could use my credit card. You shouldn’t have to spend your own money. It’s my fault your clothes are ruined- I made you eat too much.”

    “Thanks, I guess. That is really nice of you.” I said.

    Christian made a sudden turn, up a dark alley way surrounded by trees. A huge glass house loomed in the distance. There were people out front, kind of like guards, and woods bordered the entire property.

   “This is your new home,” he said proudly, “my parents live behind us, deep into the woods.”

    He parked the car, ready to get out, but I just sat there. “I’m not coming out.” I said.

    He frowned. “Em, we talked about this, you’re going to meet my parent’s tonight. They are not going to hurt you and I will be by your side the entire time.”

    “No, you talked about this to me. Not with me. I didn’t agree to meet your parents and I am not going to, either.”

    Christian gripped the steering wheel tightly and glared at me. “Why are you so... stubborn?”

     “Do not talk about stubborn. I do not want to meet your parents and I am not going to.” I snapped.

     “Yes, you are. If you don’t come out of this car, I’m dragging you out- whether you like it or not.” He threatened.

     I could tell I was fighting a losing battle, so I decided to play the guilt card. “I thought you said you cared about me?” I whispered.

    His expression immediately softened. “I do. Why would you question that?” he asked as he held my small hands firmly in his big ones.

    “Well, if you did really care about me, don’t you think that you would allow me to make this decision on my own?” I reasoned.

     He looked at me, ready to cave but instead he stood his ground. “My parents already know we are here and they are expecting to meet my mate. You will meet my parents tonight, end of discussion.” With that, he got out of the car and headed inside, expecting me to follow.

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