Chapter 13- part 1

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  • Dedicated to Trinidad and Tobago Olympians



         The next week was a big one, for me at least, I was finally getting to go to school and have 'the high school experience'. Christian thought it was dumb but I didn't care- Maia and I were looking forward to seeing each other all the time. Plus, she wanted to introduce me to some of her friends that were also a part of the pack.

      Interestingly enough, I ended up in the Twelfth Grade along with Maia. I thought it was weird seeing as I hadn't been to any form of school for two years that I got such a drastic skip. I even thought Christian had something to do with it. But when I got my results back from a mock-up of the S.A.T's I scored 2310 out of 2400. 

      Which according to Christian and his dad was pretty impressive for someone who had missed so much school and someone who was only sixteen. And, Christian said it was insulting to his ego as he who hadn't missed as much school got 2200 on his actually S.A.T's I found his hurt expression pretty funny and that led to teasing, which led to him chasing me around the house which then led to us making out.

    Things between us were a whole lot better. I mean we had nothing to argue about since we had a nice heart to heart recently. There was no bossing around, no controlling, a lot of fun and playfullness. The only thing we disagreed on was the matter of me meeting the pack. He was all for it but I wanted to put it off. He didn't push me but I knew that he was getting a little bit imaptient. Still, we had nothing to fight about.


     "Chris?" I called to him from the bedroom.

     "Yeah, babe." I heard his voice drifting closer to me as the bedroom door opened and he looked at me, whipped cream evident around his mouth.

    He saw me staring and expalined himself. "Uh, there was a malfunction with the canister."

    "Whipped cream at seven in the morning?" I was a bit suspicious.

   He flushed, slightly but it was evident. "I was hungry."

    I rolled my eyes at him. "Can you help me with the zipper on this thing?" I pointed to the top part of my of dress.

    It was at that point he seemed to take in my outfit. I had definitely gone all out, it was my first day and all- I needed to make an impression. But the way he was looking at me had me wondering if it was too much.

      I had on a black and white mini dress, I had seen at the mall. The top part was black and lacy with sphagetti straps. The bottom part was white and sort of frilly-it flared a little- and on the line of each frill, where the material sort of curled was black stitching to make the skirt pop.It reached mid thigh and I had on black peep-toe pumps with a bow at the front. My hair was slightly curly at the end and cascaded down my shoulders in perfection, a black headband with a sparkly black bow added some glamour.

     I was experimenting with make up- courtesy of Maia; and decided on some ruby red lipstick, a hint of eyeliner and some mascara. I wore a simple diamond nacklace that Christian had given me as a present, yesterday to mark our two week anniversary. 

     "What is it too much?" I asked him as he continued to stare at me.

      "Chris?" I still hadn't gotten a response from him and I was a little bit worried by his lack of response.

     He finally snapped out of his daze. "Uh, no. You look... stunning. You wanted help with the dress?"

     He quickly moved behind me and zipped it up then helped slip me into my leather jacket, in a stunned un-Chris-like silence.

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