Chapter 1

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This is one of my first stories. So please vote if you like it and leave lots of comments to help me:)

What first alerted me that this guy was a werewolf was not only the fact that he smelled like one, but he was shopping in a Women’s store. I thought he might have been shopping for his girlfriend, but I don’t think she would appreciate that her boyfriend only had eyes for me.

   He would occasionally stare at me and when he saw me looking would quickly avert his eyes. I tried not to look at him but I couldn’t help myself; for two reasons.

   For one thing, he was incredibly hot. His hair was long and curly and they just touched his broad shoulders. His eyes were an amazing grey and if I wasn’t on the run, I would have gladly stared into them forever. He was extremely tall and powerful-looking. This brings me to my second point- he was an Alpha. The guy just emanated authority.

   I knew yesterday that I had entered into some pack’s land but I didn’t know which. I was extremely tired after three weeks of moving from place to place and I needed some new clothes. I had planned to move on today, but if this Alpha had his way- he’d probably kill me.

     I took the few jeans and tops I had picked to the cashier. All I needed was a window of opportunity and I would make a dash for it. I got my wish when a group of teenage girls came in talking animatedly. Seeing groups like that always made me long to be normal- to be free and young.

   However, I did not have time to complain about my lack of a social life. I took the chance and headed for the exit, I looked back and the Alpha was gone. Thinking I had gotten away, I sprinted out of there. As soon as I hit the mall parking lot though, strong hands grabbed me.

   I tried to scream but the hands clamped my mouth shut. My attacker gently let me go and turned me towards him. I gasped at the magnificent sight of the Alpha from the store up close. Then I gasped again as I felt a sudden pull towards him and my Wolf jumped with joy, begging to be let out.

  The guy’s fierce expression slowly wilted away and a small smile crossed his features. He grabbed me roughly but pressed me into a gentle hug.

“You are mine. You are my mate.” He said,

 I nodded happily. I had never been happier, all my life I had been hated and rejected and hurt. Finally, here was someone willing to love me and protect me and take care of me.

  He snatched my bags in one hand and with the other; he pulled me towards a sleek, black sports car. As we neared the car, he suddenly stopped and stiffened.

  “What are you?” he suddenly asked.

   I didn’t understand the question at first since I was on a high from finding my mate. “What am I? I’m Emily and I am your mate.”

   He shook his head fiercely and grabbed my shoulders. My Wolf did not notice the sudden hostility, but I did. I whimpered, suddenly reminded of my father.

  The Alpha let me go and repeated his question. “You cannot be my mate. You smell wrong. At first, you smelled like an Alpha’s daughter, but up close… you smell wrong.”

  My Wolf noticed the harshness of his tone and so did I. I did not run away from one abusive man to land into the hands of another. I crossed my arms over my chest defensively. “Of course I’m not an Alpha’s daughter, besides what difference does it make?”

   He shook his head. “It makes a lot of difference,” he said angrily, “What position did your father hold in your pack? Clearly, he was not an Alpha, because Alpha’s daughter’s do not trespass another pack’s land.”

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