Secrets of a Weasley (Sequel to the Weasley Girl)

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---If we knew each other's secrets, what comforts we should find. -John Churton Collins 

Lyrica’s eyes were tired, she yawned lightly and began to play with a lock of her red hair. Twirled the lock around her finger once, and once again and kept going until she got bored of that too, just like everything else that tries to entertain her in her life. Now she tapped her fingers. One after another and after a while the pace of her fingers quickened then once again Lyrica Weasley was bored and there was no denying that. She tried to think of other things but that potions master that kept popping back into her head, it is obvious she fails every attempt she still does love him, but the last words he ever said to her gave her the biggest punch in the stomach because Lyrica knew he was right. Although, the one thing he didn’t know was that she actually was pregnant. Now she had a crazy three year old girl running around her house that she had finally got to sleep. 

She was the one thing that could ever entertain her and maybe her brothers. Lyrica’s father wasn’t exactly happy with her soon to arrive baby when he had found out he may have thrown a fit as well to Lyrica’s dismay, but no one had ever asked who the father was and she thinks they all knew because of her daughters jet black hair. This depressed her father he claimed she wasn’t a true Weasley if she didn’t have red hair. Lyrica frowned at her dad saying such horrible things. The thing Robin did inherit from Lyrica is she is always finding ways to get what she wants, no mater how stupid the ideas are. This Lyrica found funny. 

“Mommy!” Robin screamed at the top of her lungs. Lyrica laughed she was demanding like Severus too. 

“Coming!” Lyrica answered reluctantly. She thought she had finally won Robin’s battle to get her to sleep but she was wrong about that. Lyrica got up lazily and walked up the stairs. 

“Mommy!” Robin moaned loudly. 

“What Robin?” Lyrica growled. 

“There’s a spider on the wall!” she said scared. 

Lyrica went to her room and took an old broomstick magazine and walked back to her room and with out one word Lyrica squashed the bug with the magazine. 

“Happy?” Lyrica sighed in a loving voice. 

“Can I see it?” she laughed.

 Lyrica opened the rolled magazine so the spider laid in the middle. 

“Eww!” she made a funny face.

“Ok now Robin it’s time to go to sleep,” Lyrica kissed her forehead. 

“Fine!” Robin sighed and laid down.

Lyrica walked out of the room and back downstairs to the kitchen, and decided to make herself two pieces of toast. She plugged in the toaster and went into the pantry and took out two pieces of rye bread, put it in the toaster, and pushed the handle down. Lyrica yawed, and her mind wandered off to Severus. He never wrote to her although Lyrica had written him one letter telling him how she wished he didn’t have to be so insolent but this letter was out of pure anger Lyrica wanted to think he was wrong. Sometimes she wished she had told him the truth but she couldn’t bring herself to do that she thought he would have a heart attack. The toast practically flew from the toaster and landed on the counter making her jump. She rolled her eyes because she noticed they were burnt to a crisp.

“Damn toaster!” Lyrica growled and she notice the smoke come streaming out of the toaster.

She blamed her father on this because he had found such interest in muggle objects and playing with them, but that is how she is raising a muggle although Lyrica knew she had powers and that her parents weren’t very happy. Lyrica wanted to live like a normal person and have not much to do with the wizarding world and magic. She despised when her family used magic around Robin because Lyrica knew that Robin would think that magic would fix everything, and if it could Lyrica wouldn’t have had her, although she loves her every much just sometimes it’s difficult.


Severus caught his tongue before he could curse the child for messing up her potion. The girl stared at him with doe eyes and in the midst of them was horror. Severus closed his eyes and thought of Lyrica, how horrible she was in potions. He opened them back to a third year. 

“You may go Miss Leyton!” Severus said while rubbing his temples.

Severus had hated thinking about Lyrica three years later and his mind can do nothing but wander back to her. The letter she sent him scared him to being afraid to ever send a letter, afraid she would answer back in a mad tone. He sat in his chair and began to spin he felt like a five year old but sometimes he needed to let go. 

“Severus?” Dumbledores voice rang through the echoey potions room. 

Severus jumped out of his chair and almost fell over in dizziness. 

“Spinning in your chair...well thats a new one,” Dumbledore smirked.

“What is it Dumbledore?” Snape rolled his eyes.

It irked Snape every time Dumbledore came to visit him he always had something stupid to say about Lyrica.

“Just wanted to see how you were,” Dumbledore walked closer to Snape’s desk. 

Snape frowned, “I am fine, as always!”

“Alright I know when I am not wanted!” Dumbledore turned around and left. 

He would do anything to go and see Lyrica but he knew that was a terrible idea, what if she was married? Snape groaned and banged his head on his desk. He hated this he had hated these three years with a passion Dumbledore always bothering me as the rest of the staff, these things were about Lyrica mostly, almost every child in his classes reminded him of Lyrica, he could not stop dreaming of Lyrica she was always there, his thoughts always wandered to Lyrica, everything was Lyrica a deer, a ginger, his dreams, sometimes even the spaghetti on his would start talking to him. Severus was going crazy and he knew it.

 --- that was chapter one sorry if it was a little boring it’ll get better I assure you! Oh this is so exciting a new story ha ha ha I like the title imagine if I did Weasley Woman that would have been really funny well at least for me! Hope you enjoyed it and also if you are really confused you should read Weasley Girl first! :)


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