Deadly Venom

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That night Lyrica had only a few hours of sleep and she woke up the next morning practically dead and still a little hungry because the bread didn’t do much. Lyrica was also wondering what was wrong with Snape he could be so moody sometimes but Lyrica should know him by now shouldn’t she? Why couldn’t he just grow up and come off of that stone and jump onto another one with her? She wondered while getting dressed a nice dress to start her new job off. It was a pretty light purple color, she knew she would impress in this well the most important impression was the one she made on Severus. She laughed to her self. So she went downstairs to the Great Hall and it had already been filled with plenty of students, she let a grin fall over her face as she walked down the isle to the teachers table full of pride that I had finished Hogwarts and now was teaching. Dumbledore smiled at me and stood like a gentleman for me. 

“Good morning, Miss-er Professor Weasley,” Dumbledore stumbled but the warm smile stayed on his face.

“Good morning Headmaster!” I smiled trying not to fall over in tiredness.

“You may sit next to Professor Snape!” he winked at her.

 This was definitely set up by Dumbledore. “Of course Headmaster!”

I took my seat next to Snape and he looked about ready to pass out.

“Get any sleep Snape?” Lyrica asked.

“No, I have sleep insomnia it was terrible last night,” he covered his mouth as he yawned.

“Aw, poor Sevy, maybe thats why your so miserable!” Lyrica grinned.

“Are you trying to get on my nerves Lyrica?” he spat. 

“Oh when am I not trying?” Lyrica smiled and began to eat.

“You have a lot of moxie, for such a small thing,” he growled.

“I take that as a compliment!” she secretly smiled while popping a potato in her mouth trying not to mess up her make-up, a little muggle thing she picked up.

Dumbledore got everyones attention and then he began, “Now today I would like to introduce your new Transfiguration’s teacher, Professor Lyrica Weasley, you may call her Professor Weasley,” he paused slightly. “Now treat her like any other teacher just because she’s new doesn’t mean anything, I expect you utmost respect for her, I hope that is crystal clear,” he said earnestly. 

Once he stepped down everyone went back to eating and soon after the bell rang and everyone got up and began to report to their classrooms.

“Have a wonderful day Severus!” I said surprisingly feeling energized now.

“Same to you,” he said slowly.

She had been surprised by him not groaning or sneering at her for my moxie as he had called it. Once I got to my classroom the children were already in there it was a double class Gryffindor and Slytherin, Gryffindor on one side and Slytherin on the other as always. I watched them from the door they were throwing things around and yelling at the top of their lungs.

I summoned the pieces of parchment and whatever the rest of the things were causing everyone to look at me startled. I grinned and said nothing. I began to walk to the front of the classroom.

“Hello,” she said simply and paused. “Well?”

They all began to look at each other.

A small boy raised his hands it was funny he was a 5th year and still so tiny.

“Yes?” she pointed to him briefly.

“What do you mean when you asked ‘well’?” he wondered.

Secrets of a Weasley (Sequel to the Weasley Girl)Where stories live. Discover now