Still Young

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Sorry if I shift to first person I'm really not used to writing in 3rd person but thats why I'm trying. :) Enjoy!!!!

She couldn’t believe she was doing this, no, no, no, no! 

“You’re not going to get that paper to write the letter, nope, nope, that’s not going to happen Lyrica, nope, not going to happen!” she yelled at herself but she was still going to get the paper, “you’re not going to open the closet,” she opened the closet, “damn it I opened the closet!” she got the paper and in the end began to write a long letter to Severus after having this horrible mental battle with herself weather to write a letter back or not.


You picked me for this job? I don’t understand why.

  I am most obliged to tell you I will not take this job offer.

 I am very busy at home with my 3 year old daughter to drop

 everything and work at Hogwarts when my daughter matters 

 most at this time.

Lyrica Weasley

Lyrica folded the paper and left it on her desk until her mother would come later on today. She shouldn’t give her the letter it was a terrible idea even writing it, she should throw it away. Just then there was a loud cracking noise from behind her.

“Robin?” she turned startled and saw the old headmaster of Hogwarts.

“Hello Lyrica,” he grinned at her.

“Dumbledore this is quite rude of you to just show up in my home,” Lyrica said still surprised.

“I apologize, I was supposed to land on your door step,” Dumbledore looked around at my home.

“Dumbledore what do you want?” Lyrica asked.

“Who is Robin?” he looked to the stairs.

“My daughter,” Lyrica turned and threw the letter in the garbage.

“Now what I want is a new transfiguration teacher,” Dumbledore said casually.

“Now Dumbledore I’m going to be very blunt with you but the answer is no,” Lyrica sighed.

“Why is that?” he asked disappointed.

“Because I have a daughter to take care of,” she said irritated.

“No husband, or boyfriend?” he inquired.

“No, no one,” she said becoming restless.

“Then where did Robin come from?” he smiled.

“My ass!” Lyrica yelled in his face getting carried away.

“You are awfully sarcastic,” Dumbledore said studying me.

“Look Dumbledore, I’m sorry, I don’t want the job and I don’t really want you to be  here right now,” Lyrica apologized.

“Oh I know when I am not wanted, you didn’t have to tell me,” Dumbledore grinned. 

“Mommy!” Robin screamed.

“What is it Robin?” Lyrica called back to her.

“Grandma is here!” Robin answered.

“Excuse me,” Lyrica said and walked out of the room.

“Hello dear!” Molly greeted an oh-so familiar man at her side.

“Holy crap,” Lyrica mumbled and stopped in her tracks.

“Well aren’t you going to say hello to him dear?” she smiled at me then looked at him. 

He was standing as straight as cardboard staring at the wall and sneaking small glances at me.

“Mother get him out of here,” Lyrica said softly still in awe what a mess that everything was right now.

“Lyrica I think I am perfectly capable of doing that myself I am a 38 year old man with legs that still work perfectly fine, but what does that matter to you you’re still young!” he mocked her. 

“So what are you trying to say?” Lyrica hissed.

“I am trying to say I was always right!” he said extending his hand out towards Robin.

“About what?” Lyrica asked pretending to not know what he was talking about.

“I knew you would eventually forget me,” he stared at her with almost hatred in his eyes as she innocently sat next to Dumbledore and watched confused.

“Well thats what you wanted me to do isn’t it?” her eyes dug holes through him.

“Yes, but it doesn’t mean I thought you actually would,” he softened his voice and turned and walked out the door. 

“What did you expect me to do grieve over you?” she ran after him as he walked in a very fast pace.

He turned quickly causing her to run right into him and fall to the ground, “You’re putting words in my mouth, and I had never said anything about grieving over me I expected you to go and still be, well not exactly a virgin but one step off of a virgin and still not have any children, I expected you to be actually married to the father of your child!” he said in a stern voice.

“I was 17 Severus I was so annoyed at you I went a did it with another guy, now I have Robin, your expectancies were way off! Lyrica lied to him.

“As if I can’t see that,” he turned and began walking again. 

“This wasn’t how I though seeing you again would be like,” Lyrica said not following.

He stopped, “well it is what it is, and it can’t be taken back.”

“So you thought I thought this is whole situation is a toy?” she yelled after him and ran to him.

“Yes, yes thats exactly it, I was your toy and in your mind I’m sitting in a closet somewhere all broken down!” he bellowed not stopping.

“How do you know?” she asked.

“Lyrica, will you stop following me!” he demanded and apperated. 

Lyrica found a tear dripping down her face and then another until she was crying all the way back home just like the little piggy that went crying all the way home. Once she opened the door Dumbledore, her mother, and Robin talking they had turned towards the door to see her with tears, she ran upstairs not saying a word to anyone.


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