Adventure to the kitchen

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It was 1am now and Lyrica found herself awake and well starving because she had missed dinner by an hour yesterday and now she was just so hungry and she didn’t know what to do. Maybe there would be something the kitchen to eat. So Lyrica got up from the bed and got her wand just incase, you never know when you are going to need it. Once in the hall Lyrica noticed how dark Hogwarts was at night and to make it worse there was no moonlight at all. She began to fumble with her wand to try to get the lumos  spell to work, and to her dismay she forgot. 

“Lumos,” she whispered and flicked her wrist.

“Lumos,” she tried again.

“Lumos,” she was louder now.

“Lumos!” she was getting annoyed.

“Damned thing, lumos!” she was now flinging her wrist at all angles trying to get the spell to work. Of course nothing wanted to work for her.

“Oh screw this!” she growled lowly and accidentally threw it on the ground causing the halls to echo as the piece of wood hit the floor a few times now she was stuck in the pitch black hallway, starving, with no wand, and no sense of direction.

“Well this is just dandy!” Lyrica groaned disgusted, “what if there was a fire and no one could see?” 

Well they would probably remember the lumos spell, unlike her, she thought. So Lyrica began to mosey...carefully down the stairs having to stop every time they moved she had no idea where she was going to end up or how as well. It was almost like a nightmare. Her stomach made a large growl it was so loud it echoed. She groaned wishing she would just wake up from this terrible nightmare, this all seemed so fake she even began to pinch herself. 

“Fml,” she whispered in the brisk silence.

Her hand was running along banisters and walls trying to notice where she was she felt along the wall for a doorway or something and she had found one but the door was locked and as she turned and thought she was clear of the doorway she walked right into a wall.

“Crap!” she whispered and tried to get up. 

Once up again she knew she was clear of the door way and she kept walking feeling the cold stone tickle her hand. She had certainly hoped she was not anywhere she didn’t know of because then she wouldn’t know what to do. The silence in the hallway was almost scary to her there was not a peep of anything not even coming from outside. Now her hand fell on a cold window which burned her skin she stopped and looked up in the sky and saw nothing not even shapes of things it was almost like it was all just lost in darkness. She thought of Robin and wondered if this darkness scared her at all or if she was just sleeping like a good little girl. Lyrica wished she knew. She continued walking along on her adventure to the kitchen, Lyrica was almost sure she was no where near it. It was funny she thought if she started screaming really loudly it wouldn’t make a sound at all because that is how thick the silence seemed. Then Lyrica heard a rustle coming from behind her, she looked and noting was there. She began to hear foot steps she got nervous, it almost seemed like a horror movie now. 

“Hello?” Lyrica whispered walking backwards. 

Her heart pounded in her chest she turned and she ran into a wall. 

“Damn it!” Lyrica yelled not so silently.

She heard the footsteps again loudly, she got up and walked forward and someone grabbed her by the waist she screamed and punched whoever it was in the nose.

“Who is that?” the mans voice demanded.

“Lyrica Weasley,” she said nervous.

“God, Lyrica you would be the one to punch me in the nose!” his voice growled. 

“Who are you?” Lyrica asked.

“It’s Severus for Gods sake!” Severus barked.

“Where did you go?” she asked.

“I’m down here,” she felt his hand grab at hers.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she sighed.

“Help me up!” she helped haul him to his feet.

“Do you have your wand with you?” Lyrica asked still holding his hand, the dark was beginning to scare her. 

“I did till you screamed and made me drop it!” he specified. 

“This stinks,” she shook her head.

“Now where is your wand?” he asked domineeringly.

“I dropped it,” Lyrica lied badly.

“Oh really?” he asked skeptically.

“Yes really,” she said trying to push the lie forward.

“That was some horrible lying, and the funny thing is we’re in the dark,” he spoke with a smug voice.

“I threw it on the ground, there are you happy?” she asked.

“Oh you’re just brilliant!” he spat.

“It wouldn’t work!” she snapped.

“Well maybe you weren’t doing whatever you were trying to do right!” he said pulling his hand from mine. 

“As if I hadn’t noticed that!” she stated.

“Now what are we going to do?” he asked.

“Well I don’t know, why are you asking me?” she retorted.

“Because this is all your fault!” he blamed.

“Well you didn’t have to drop your wand!” she fought.

“You didn’t have to scream either!” he began to pace.

“I hit a wall!” Lyrica gritted her teeth.

“Why are you down here in the first place?” he asked squeezing his hands into fists.

“I was hungry!” she sat on the ground.

“Well you should have gotten something to eat earlier,” he scolded.

“I know,” she saw his figure walking carefully left to right.

“Well now get off your butt and lets try to find the kitchen!” he stopped pacing.

“Fine,” she got up and grabbed his hand so she wouldn’t lose him.

He was the one to feel the walls this time. 

“Turn,” he said pulling her with him.

“Do you know where we are?” she asked trying to look.

“We’re getting closer,” he sighed and took them down a stair case,“alright turn here and open the door,” he guided her.

She opened the door and she noticed the sun was beginning to rise casting some sunlight revealing the kitchen. 

“Finally!” she smiled and ran for some food to eat.

The most she could find that didn’t have to be cooked was some bread which was some of the best bread Lyrica has ever eaten in her life 

“Why were you up tonight Severus?” she asked as she ate her bread.

“Why was I up tonight dear Lyrica?” he asked her, “well have you ever heard of something called children?” he spoke like he was talking to a 5 year old.

“Yes, of course I have,” Lyrica looked at him.

“Well they were misbehaving and I had to fix it,” he said in a miserable voice. 

“That stinks!” Lyrica laughed.

“You’re damn right it does!” he growled. 

“What’s wrong?” Lyrica asked concerned.

“I’m tired,” he said in a dull voice.

“Severus you’re staring at a cabinet,” she said softly.

“I know what I’m staring at, now I think you can find your way back fine, good night or shall I say good morning!” he snarled and walked out.

Just as he walked out she screamed after him, “Bastard!”

Secrets of a Weasley (Sequel to the Weasley Girl)Where stories live. Discover now