Something to Tell

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Sorry it's short a lot happens though!

They had finally gotten to the room and to no surprise everyone from the Weasley family was surprisingly packed in the small hospital room.

Molly turned, “Lyrica!”

She came and took her in her arms.

“Thank you, Severus,” Molly said in a dismissing voice.

“Your welcome,” Severus said carefully and walked out.

“No, Severus, don’t go please,” Lyrica said looking up.

“Of course, Lyrica,” he took her back in his arms and they pushed through the crowd of Weasley’s to get to Robin.

Lyrica pulled away from Snape to look at her daughter with a big snake bite on her arm. 

“Oh my Robin!” Lyrica cried and kissed her sweaty forehead.

“Mommy?” she asked in pain.

The Weasley’s stood around and watched, but he had noticed Fred and George left, uh oh. Lyrica was crying and hugging her daughter nervous to death. The Weasley’s had stayed until they got kicked out because Fred and George were going around the hospital on wheel chairs, but Lyrica and Snape had stayed with Robin not saying a word at all. He wondered what she was thinking right now. 

“Severus,” she said quietly.

“Yes, Lyrica,” Snape looked at her.

“I have to tell you something,” she had a guilty face on.

“Ok,” he shook his head.

Ok I'm gonna tell him the truth about Robin now, right now! Lyrica thought.

“Robin’s father-” she got cut off by loud beeping of the heart machine.

Two nurses and a doctor ran in her heart beat was decreasing they were having trouble with her earlier because she was having a horrible allergic reaction. The tears began to come to Lyrica’s face she was not sure what could happen next. She wasn’t dead yet but she was close Lyrica grabbed Severus’s arm, she was crying hysterically as if Robin were dead. Severus took her in his arms as she cried but the doctor and the nurses  got her heart rate back to normal but they had told Lyrica she was still in critical and the chance of her surviving are high though. Although Lyrica was told this she was still crying in Severus’s chest and that is where she fell asleep.


The next morning Lyrica woke up Severus’ lap. She hasn’t been in his lap in the longest time and it felt so good she didn’t know how she got here if she did it or even he did it. She looked at Robin who of course was fast asleep and so was Severus he was breathing lightly into her hair as she snuggled into him comfortably. His arms was laying on her stomach holding her. She watched him sleep and knew how much she had loved him. She had to tell him now.

“Severus,” she whispered.

He stirred but did not awake.

“Severus,” she stoked his cheek.

He yawed and finally awoke looking quite peaceful.

“Yes Lyrica,” he whispered.

“I never got to finish telling you what I wanted to tell you last night,” she looked at him feeling guilty.

“What is that?” he asked.

“The father o-” she got cut off by the arrival of my family.

She groaned and then noticed she was still on Severus’ lap.

“Well thats just-” Fred said but Lyrica cut him off.

“Shut up!” she scolded and got off of his lap.

Arthur was eyeing Severus.

Molly gave Lyrica a comforting hug and whispered in her daughters ear, “I hope sitting on his lap was all you were doing.”

“Mother!” Lyrica yelled.

She giggled and went to look at Robin. They had stayed for 2 hours then left, finally!

“Severus I have to tell you something!” she said urgently.

“Yes Lyrica,” he said seriously.

“The father of my child is not another man it’s you!” she said quickly and then flinched with nervousness.

His face grew very mad. Her eyes had fear written all over them.

Secrets of a Weasley (Sequel to the Weasley Girl)Where stories live. Discover now