Spilling Coffee on the Prime Minister

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The next morning, Lyrica went to work as always Lyrica hated the morning and her job because all the people who come through haven’t had their morning coffee yet, and they are so rude. 

“Eh’ Lyrica!” her co-worker Patrick greeted her.

“Shut up,” Lyrica said annoyed. 

Patrick had always flirted with her ever since she got this job and she was done being nice a year ago but she can never get it across to him she’s not interested. 

“Hey would you-” she cut him off.

“No,” Lyrica growled knowing he was going to ask her out for the millionth time. 

“Oh ok another time, I’ll go take the window then,” he sighed.

“Sure,” Lyrica said quickly. 

Lyrica was wondering desperately where her other co-worker Elmira was there were already was people coming in and she had to make the coffee and take orders.

“And what would you like sir?” Lyrica asked the tall man with dark hair in a dapper suit.

“A medium coffee, black,” he said a smile on his face. 

“What’s your name sir?” she asked.

“David,” he smiled.

She wrote his mname on the cup and ran to the coffee machine filled the cup up and slid and it on the pick up counter and it did exactly what Lyrica didn’t want it to do spill all over the man. He groaned at the heat of the coffee.

“Oh my God I am so sorry!” she gave him a million napkins.

“I-I-It’s o-o-k!” he said stammering trying to wipe up the mess.

“Lyrica, do you know who you just spilt that on?” her manager came walking though the door.

“N-n-no!” Lyrica said nervously watching people in line get a bit antsy.

“It’s the prime minister, I am so sorry Mr.Cameron for my clumsy employee’s actions,” Craig apologize shaking his hands looking to her and giving her the your-dead eyes.

“It’s fine it only hurt a little bit,” the prime minister said trying to lie.

“I’m really sorry, sir,” she said feeling horrible.

“It’s alright,” he tried to smile.

She ran got him another coffee and he left in pain, and now to face Craig’s wrath.

“Lyrica, you are an embarrassment!” Craig began sounding constipated as he was serving orders of people.

“Well Elmira never showed up!” Lyrica said feeling terrible still, knowing what might be coming for her.

“Yes, well I think you know better than to slide coffee’s on the counter,” he sighed, “Lyrica, you’re fired!”

Her mouth hung as if there were no way to close it. 

“Fine!” Lyrica took off her apron and threw it at him and stomped off, with no job now. 

That was it Lyrica is done with this fucking muggle world she needs to go back to being a witch and there was no doubt about that.


Lyrica knocked on Dumbledore’s office door. She heard footsteps from behind the door and there was Dumbledore a smile on his face, he knew.

“I knew you would come Lyrica!” he grinned.

“Alright now let’s get this over with,” she smiled a bit at him.

A few seconds after there was a knock on his door and it was no other than Severus. 

“Ah, good Severus you can show Professor Weasley her room now,” he smiled not even asking her why she was here.

“Of course,” Severus said gently.

“Here is the key Lyrica,” Dumbledore gave her the key and shooed them off. 

“Why are you here Lyrica?” he asked her bag in his hand.

“Because I am going to be the new transfiguration’s professor,” she said simply and followed along.

“I know that, but what made you decide to?” he stopped in front of a fairly large door and looked at me with wonderment. 

She grinned at the ground, “I spilt coffee on the Prime Minister of England.”

“No wonder why, you’re probably one of England’s most wanted,” he said in an almost playful voice.

“It was an accident,” Lyrica blushed. 

“Ok I’ll try to believe that,” he put my bag down. 

She couldn’t help herself but grin. He looked her straight in the eye not returning the smile.

“Now if you will excuse me,” he sighed and walked away.

She sighed and opened the door to her new home for a while and plopped herself down on the bed and curled up into a ball think about how her day had gone.

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