Chapter 8

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Ali was walking at a quick pace through the woods almost as if she knew every square inch and where all the rocks and branches were so she could avoid them. Meanwhile, I was struggling to not fall on my face or bust my nose on a low hanging branch.

"Did we really have to go this way?" I called out, annoyed.

"Yes. You think we're going to ambush from the front and out in public?"

"Yes actually, I do think we're going to do that. It seems less dangerous and more explainable if we do get caught. We could say we're just goofing around or something."

"We could say that anyway. Now come on, move faster," Ali barked.

"I'm trying! How do you know your way around so well?"

"I don't. I just know how to not trip on rocks and get hit in the face by branches."

Ali stopped immediately and even though her small body somewhat blocked my view I could still make out the clearing ahead of us.

"This is our stop," Ali muttered then turned to me.

"He's home."

"Seriously? We came all this way just for him to be home?" I was obviously annoyed.

"Calm down. We're just going to look from the windows."

"Ali, no! We're not going to do that! That's dangerous and you promised we would be cautious."

"I know I did but I need to see what's happening."

"If anything is happening at all," I mumbled under my breath.

Ali glared at me with the slightest hint of anger in her eyes. It kind of scared me. "I'll do it by myself if I have to, Will. Just keep an eye out okay?"

I sighed, "Ali, come on--" Ali was already walking away from me. I followed behind her hesitantly.

"Give me a boost up to the window, Will. Please?"

I sighed and made my way over to where she was standing underneath a window just out of her reach. I crouched down and let her stand on my back. Her sneakers dug into my back harshly.

"Ouch! Careful." I whined.


"Do you see anything?"

"No but the window is opened a little bit. I'm gonna open it a little more to see if I can hear anythi--wait shit there's somebody else in there!"


"I don't know but he looks younger than Mr. Wells by at least 15 years."

"Who the hell is he?"

"I already said that I don't recognize him. Pay attention and quiet down. You're an awful spy."

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry your majesty." Ali purposely dug her shoes into my back.


I knew she was smirking even though I couldn't see her face and it made me smile ever so slightly.

"Oh my god." Ali whispered in a shaky voice.

"What? What's wrong?" I said a little too loudly for Ali's liking.

I heard a deep voice from inside call out. 'Who's there?"

"Shit, shit, shit! We need to get out of here. Now Will!" Ali jumped off of my back and pulled me up. We ran for the treeline as the front door opened.

Ali and I crouched in the cover of the trees and watched as Mr. Wells stormed around the side of the house where we were just moments ago. He scanned the area and his backyard thoroughly. I was shaking as the middle aged man's dark beady eyes examined the treeline in which we were currently hiding. It felt like ages until he turned slowly and made his way back inside.

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