Chapter 16

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I found myself standing outside of a large house that I never expected I would be at for this specific reason. I took a deep breathe in and walked to the front door. I knocked on the white wooden door with all the force I could muster up, which was still severely weak.

I kept my eyes glued to my beat up white Converse as I heard footsteps coming from inside as they made their way to the front door.

In my mind I was telling myself to remain calm and collected. I needed to do this. I needed to know for sure. There was only one way I was going to be sure of who the murderer was and this was the only way I could know for sure.

The front door creaked open and I slowly shifted my eyes up to meet a set of tired green eyes.

"What is it?"

I managed to spit out the words. "We need to talk."


Dear Diary,

I had the strangest dream last night after everything happened. I think it might be a sign that I'm close to being found out.

In the dream, more like a nightmare actually, I was walking out of a neatly kept bedroom that was all too familiar to me. I had my hand on the white wall as I walked slowly down the hallway, past the guest bedroom and storage closet, and down the staircase. When I reached the stairs I moved my hand from the wall to the bannister. In doing so I looked down at my hand that had been trailing along the wall. It was covered in a thick, dark substance.

It was blood.

My hands were covered in blood.

I looked behind me to see the walls covered in the same thick, dark substance that graced my hands.

I continued down the stairs though. I reached the bottom and made my way over to the small wood and glass table. I picked up the picture frame on the table and stared at it. I was disgusted by it so I threw it as hard as I possibly could at the wall. The glass inside of the frame shattered on contact with the white wall. The sound of the glass breaking and cracking, the wooden frame snapping, and the sound of it all clanking off of the floor echoed rather loudly throughout the otherwise completely silent house. Every broken piece fell to the ground in what seemed like slow motion.

I moved on from the living room to the dining room and immediately came to a sudden halt. The dining room was full of people, full of children. I heard a voice that didn't sound like my own speak up.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?"

One by one they formed a line leading to the back door but they were still facing me. The first child, a girl that could be no more than 12 years old stepped up to me. She looked like a fairly normal young girl, except maybe slightly smaller than she should be for a girl of her age.

"Do you remember me?" The young girl asked.

Before I could open my mouth to answer I saw her form, her appearance, change right before my eyes. Her clean, perfectly styled blonde ringlets turned into a dirty, frizzy mess. Thick, oozing blood dripped onto her shoulders and back from the large gaping wound at the top and back of her head.

"Do you remember me?" She asked again.

Her frail, innocent face full of sympathy and love changed to one of a rough hatred.

"Do you remember me?" Another voice called out this time and another little girl stepped out.

She must have been 13 or 14 years old and she had fiery red hair. She too had a huge gaping wound on her head, almost identical to the blonde little girl's wound but this girl's wound was larger and she was bleeding so much more.

"I know you remember me." My eyes shot from the two little girls to a boy seemingly much older than everyone in the room with the exception of myself. He had to be about 16 or 17.

"I know you remember me," he repeated, his voice full of rage.

His neck was covered in strange marks that were dark purple, almost black, in color and his head was caved in on the left side with wood splinters sticking out in all directions from his gushing wound. He slowly held up a hand to reveal a missing pointer finger. The cutoff point was jagged and messy and I swear through all of the blood that I could see the part of his bone.

"I know," he stepped closer to me, "you," he was so close now that I could smell the stench of death oozing from every pore in his body, "remember me." He was inches from my face now.

"You remember all of us, don't you?" The rest of the children stepped out.

There were two girls who seemed to be the same age. One of them was black and had the same purplish marks around her neck as the boy. The other girl beside her had the same marks. The two girls were holding hands almost as if they were good friends and stuck together.

Another little girl stepped into a clear space and stared me down. I could barely make out any facial features on her because she had a plastic bag covering her head. She slowly reached up to remove the bag. Her face was a horrifying dull color and her lips were blue, so blue.

The final little girl, the smallest and youngest of them all, no more than six years old, sauntered over to me.

"I turn seven on the 2nd." She smiled to reveal a few missing teeth. "I was going to turn seven on the 2nd." Her smile remained but her face became sunken. "I'm never going to be seven on the 2nd." Her eerie smile stayed plastered on her face as her skin seemed to almost sink into her skull and dark bruises appeared all around her tiny neck.

"Do you remember us? Do you remember us?" They all kept echoing that one single question over and over until I couldn't hear my own heartbreak or my own breathing. All I could hear was their haunting voices ringing in my ears, in my mind, in my body.

"You remember us." It was one voice. It was the boy.

"Your time is up." The boy grinned and before I could do anything at all, the entire group pounced at me.

That's all that happened. I shot up out of my bed after that and I was sweating unbelievably.

You see, I think this is a sign. I think maybe I'm about to be caught. I can just feel that I'm about to be found out.

Maybe I can get rid of the evidence or something and play dumb. Maybe I can skip town or...maybe I can go out with a bang.

Maybe if I do one final kill I can end this all.

Yes, I think that will work.

I have to start planning now though because I'm already getting the urge to kill again and I just did another kill last night. I wonder if they found her yet. I haven't heard any news yet but it should only be a matter of time.

This will all be over in a matter of time.

This might possibly be my last entry in here.

My time is almost up.

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