Chapter 15

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"He's going to be leaving around four. I snuck around last night and heard his phone conversation. I think he's going to meet his boyfriend or something." Ali looked disgusted when she said 'boyfriend'.

"Alright. So a little after four we scope his house out, make sure he's gone for sure, then get in?"

"Yes, exactly."

"What time is it now?"

"Chill out, Will. It's only 2:30. We still have some spare time."

"I know. I just want to get this over with. I don't want another murder to happen."

"Nobody wants another murder to happen. We will find what we need to find. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried," I bit down on my lip, "I'm nervous."

"Why nervous?"

"I want to find evidence but at the same time I don't want to. Because finding evidence makes this all real. It means I'm not dreaming and that this is reality."

"Were the dead bodies not real enough for you, Will?"

My head shot up and I gawked at her. "Excuse me?"

"I know this is difficult and all, I get that, but Will, this is real. When are you gonna wake up and smell the flowers? This is reality now," she paused, "Speaking of flowers," Ali said, getting up. She walked over to her dresser and picked up a purple bottle of perfume.

"I smell like moss and wet dirt. That won't do." She began spraying her perfume all around her in a big cloud. The strong smell hit me instantly and it almost made me gag.

After the smell settled and my eyes stopped watering, my mind began to race trying to figure out that all too familiar scent.


"Yes?" She turned to face me.

"What's that smell?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your perfume."

"Oh!" She smiled widely. "It's a flower. My favorite."

"What flower?"



Ali was in front of me peering out of the clearing but still remaining hidden. "He just pulled out."

"Well let's wait a few minutes in case he decides to come back."

"Good idea."

A good ten minutes passed before we decide it was safe to leave our hiding spot in the trees and make our way to the same window we almost got busted at a few days before.

"Its open! I knew it would be!"

"That's a relief. Otherwise we'd have no other way to get in."

"We could have just broken the window to get in."

"Yeah, because committing another crime would be such a great idea."

Ali grinned. "Shut up. Just give me a boost."

I boosted her up to the window, which she pushed open entirely and and slithered in carefully and quietly. Once she was in I went around to the back door and waited for her to come around and let me in.

The door handle wiggled and the door popped open. "Welcome home," Ali greeted me with a grin.

"Not funny."

She ignored me and moved out of the way so I could get in. "Where do we start?"

Ali shrugged. "I'd say his room. If the souvenirs were to be anywhere I would guess they would be somewhere in his room. He would probably want to keep that stuff close to him."

The Day They DisappearedWhere stories live. Discover now