Chapter 14

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I knocked on the door frantically. I knew it was early in the morning but I couldn't just keep walking around aimlessly anymore. I needed to see Ali. I heard a voice call out from somewhere above me.

"Will?" I stepped back and looked up to the second story windows. Ali was peeking her head out of her bedroom window. "What are you doing? Are you okay?"

I called up to her. "Please come outside."

It looked to me as if she nodded before shutting her bedroom window to go get dressed. A few minutes later she raced out of her front door and met me on the front lawn.

"What's going on?" She stopped to take in my appearance.

"Will, you look like shit. What happened to you? What's wrong?" She was worried now.

"I've been out all night. I've been trying to follow random paths while thinking the entire time. I've been trying to remember and I think I finally have."

Ali seemed confused. "What? What are you talking about, Will?"

"Lets go to the woods, Ali."

Ali suddenly look concerned. "Why?"

I gave her a pleading look. "Please? I need to talk."

Ali hesitantly agreed and followed me to the woods behind her house. We followed the path until we found a large tree stump right off of the man-made trail.

Ali sat down but I remained standing. I was more than obviously nervous. I could feel myself shaking ever so slightly and I kept doing everything humanly possible to avoid Ali's concerned eyes.

"What is this about?"

I hesitated before staring at Ali directly in the eyes. "Its me."

Ali looked confused. "Pardon?"

"I'm the murderer."

This time Ali looked completely shocked. "No you're not, Will."

"I am!"

"Why would you even say such a thing?"

"I feel like I'm missing parts of my life, Ali. I can't remember every detail but I can imagine, I can see, the murders in my mind. I'm strong. I could do it."

"But you didn't."

"I did."

"No Will, you are not a killer. You're just anxious and distraught about this whole situation. I shouldn't have ever pushed you to find the murderer like I did. This is my fault." Ali dropped her head into her hands and started to sob quietly.

I closed the distance between us and grabbed her shoulders roughly. She looked shocked.

"It's me, Ali. I know it is! I have missing time, I have guilt. I don't know where the souvenirs are but I'm betting I have them hidden somewhere. I'm too afraid to look though. I want you to do it."

Ali jumped up, angrily. "You want me to look for the proof in your possessions?"

"Yes. Turn me in when you find them."

"I won't be finding anything because you're not the killer, Will!"

I stared at her sadly. I wanted to believe her so badly but I couldn't bring myself to push away the thought that I was a murderer.

"Will, it's not you. I'm positive."

"How do you know for sure though?"

"Just trust me, I know. Lets keep investigating Brian Wells and we'll be able to prove it's not you."

I just looked down sadly and Ali came over to me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace. "It's not you, William Connors, it's not you. I promise you that."

Something in Ali's tone made me believe what she was saying. Maybe I really was anxious and stressed.

"I think we should settle this once and for all."

I pulled away from her. "What do you mean?"

"We're breaking the law tonight." I small grin appeared on her face and I instantly knew what she was talking about.

Tonight was the night we were going to prove Brian Wells murdered all those kids in our town.

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