Chapter 19

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My head snapped up at the loud thud from outside the window. I peered out into the darkness and thought I saw a glimpse of a dark figure running away.

I jumped up. "Will!"

I received no reply and raced up to my room. It was completely empty. The window was open and one of my plants was on the ground, smashed. A blue ribbon was clearly visible in the mess.

I staggered back into the dark hallway and felt tears streaming down my face. There was no way I could chase him, catch him, and kill him.

The horrifying realization that he was likely going to the police sank in and I lost it.

I had screwed up horrifically and it was over for me now.

I stumbled down the hallway and flung open another door. I flicked the lights on and stared in.

"You died for nothing. I am so sorry."

A tall boy covered in dirt and as pale as death itself stared back at me from the center of the room.

"You're not sorry."

"No! I am," I screeched,

The boy had a hateful glare in his eyes which made the smile on his face look sinister. "If you felt sorry you wouldn't have killed anybody else."

I sunk to the floor in the doorway and cried.

I heard the disgusting sound of wet feet dragging through the mud as the boy approached me. He bent down to my level.

"Look at me."

I shook my head, tears blinding my vision. "No."

"I said," the voice became disembodied and boomed throughout the entire room, "look at what you did to me!"

My eyes slowly looked up from my lap to meet the cold, glazed, dead eyes that belonged to my brother. He was so pale that the bruises around his neck looked like a pure, deep black. Blood was gushing from the side of his head and wood splinters stuck out everywhere. One single splinter stuck out from his right eye and had turned it a flaming red.

The boy smiled. "You did this, sissy. Aren't you just so proud?"

I put my hands over my ears in an attempt to block out his voice, which just kept getting louder.

"Aren't you proud? Aren't you proud?"

I screamed out, "no!"

I felt my hands being pulled from the sides of head and the cold metal being slapped onto my wrists. Lucas' booming, angry, and taunting voice still filled my ears as I was dragged out of his bedroom by three cops.

I was thrashing, screaming, and crying. I could not make out much that was happening but on my way out the door I caught a glimpse of Will surrounded by cops for protection from me.

"I killed them all!"

Will glared at me. His eyes were filled with anger, sorrow, and pure hatred.

"I killed them all," I mumbled as I was shoved into the police vehicle.

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