chapter five

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               Averys P.O.V

    "OH.MY.GOD. you have a lamburghini!? " I yelled in pure excitement. Ashton smirked. "Yeah, but that's not all I have." He opened the passenger car door for me, which made me feel like my stomach was doing back flips. "What do you mean? " I asked curiously. He didn't wander the first or second or third time I asked him. I grew more and more frustrated. I hate surprises. He also smirked as my frustration grew. After about an hour of driving, he turned the radio down." Soooo ...tell me about your self. what's your favorite color, ice cream,movie, how you swallow pills anything! " he yelled over the roar of the wind. "Well, my mon died in afgahnastan (don't judge the spelling plz!)  and now mu brother and I live with my dad. I hate him. Hes always drunk or stoned...or both! I have never been physically beaten but verbally ..." I trailed off at that part. I could see the anger boiling inside of him. He hated that his mate was treated so badly. Suddenly, he stopped the far and turned back around. " where are we going? " I asked him. "To get your brother. Never again is ie coming near you or your brother. I was going to kidnapp you anyway," He winked at that part and it made me blush. "But I cant let your little brother live like that. Plus, I want to turn him into a wolf." My eyes got real wide. "You want to do what now? " I said, my anger slowly rising. He may be my mate AND Alpha but no one touche's my little brother. "With his permission." He said slowly. He looked afraid. Serves him right.

                Ashton's P.O.V

     'Oh my moon goddess shes scary.' My inner wolf thought.

'I know....she'll make a perfect Luna!' I replied cheerfully. I loved her so much and i to want to tell her that but I think its way too early for the "L " word. I want to kiss her so bad right now but i can't cause then I 'll get distracted and I 'll veer off the road and then her little brother will be stuck with her dad. All of a sudden, Averys phone rang. "Hello? "  she said into the phone. 'God her voice is sexy' my wolf thought. 'Shut up' I told it.'All right...can do.' I heard his perverted thoughts and shook my head mentally. "who is what now.....excuse me you perverted f....what....don't you dare...BRADY!...okay." she hung up the phone, tears streaming down her face. My wolf howled with agony to see her in pain. " Baby, what's wrong?" I asked her. I wasn't ever really good with women crying but i'll do my best...given the fact that she IS my mate and all. "My older brother picked him up from school and took him to Europe with him. He said that my dad died from a heart attack and his will said to give him to...BRADY!" She broke down in tears...violently shaking. I felt so bad for her. I can even imagine a worse kind of hell for her. Her brother was her life. I pulled over and let her cry into my shoulder. "Hey, its gonna be okay. Look, at least he'll get a better education. " She looked up at me...her eyes the weired gold and crimson color. "Ahhh! " she screamed in pain. I knew imeaditaly what was wrong. She was shifting.


                  oooooo, another cliff hanger! What do you think she'll. change into next? comment and give ideas for new chapters!


the alphas mate by: Izzy blackWhere stories live. Discover now